
Magazines 'harm male body image'

I found this article on BBC.com. I can't imagine anyone being influenced by bodies from a magazine.

Magazines 'harm male body image'

Younger men who read so-called "lads mags" could be psychologically harmed by the images of perfect male physiques they contain, research suggests.

Dr Giles said: "The message in typical lads' magazines is that you need to develop a muscular physique in order to attract a quality mate.

"Readers internalise this message, which creates anxieties about their actual bodies and leads to increasingly desperate attempts to modify them."

Blah, Blah, Blah

What is this world coming to?!

Men wanting to look like the models in magazines?!

Thank Gah women are immune to such superficiality!!!



Is my sarcasm microphone working!!!


testing, 1, 2, 3!!

Blondes would never fall prey to false advertising!!

Wonder Lips

Poofy Lips are the new in thanks to Angelina and Brad. Everyone wants them and I am no exception.

I have seen bad lip work done, and quite frankly if you like kissing farm animals, aka. duck lips, than you should be fabulously happy knowing there is an endless supply.

I on the other hand opted for Bridget Bardot style lip ( if your not into french actresses than more like Tracy Lords--you do know Tracy?) and thus decided to have the fat extracted from my bum to have injected underneath the lip line for that sexy poof.

While the swelling was still in play I looked more like Kim Bassinger's character on the Simpsons but now I am all Bridget...ok, ok...more like Cameron Diaz but whatever.

My favorite part about my new pucker is knowing that everytime a man kisses me on the lips, he is actually kissing my ass...

Blondes love their ass kissed!!!


The unSophisticat!!

My dear little Sophie cat if you consider the size of a dog house little for a cat.

My little trailer trash titty twitty cat. Its not her fault she didn't get to go onto kitty porn stardom and now eats twinkies and 3 cans of 9 lives a day to hide the pain.

Poor darling can't get around her belly to save her life. She has a bum that she should clean on her own but unfortunately Miss Sophie hasn't seen said private part since her infamous days as the star of 'Pussy will Oh, Oh Oh!!'.

She knows its there and occasionally she tries to find it. She digs her claws in deep into the carpet and tries to inch her head way past the rolls of fat and fur from her neck to her belly to achieve her goal of pure cat clean but alas her poundage is cruel and only rolls to the side to tease Miss Sophie and than it jiggles back in place. The sheer force of the weight dislodges her dug in claw and she is thrown back in a sea lion like spread only to cover up her faux pas by licking the air a few times.

Will someone stop the spectacle and go get a handy wipe for the feline fatastrophe!!

Blondes hate to see a Diva have to beg!!

Old Band Aids

Yes..that's right...old band aids.

Do you keep?

No you don't. Why?! besides being totally gross. Duh!!

Because you don't need them to remind you of every little boob-boo you got growing up.

The big ones leave scars and you remember from these scars not to do certain stupid things again..like oh say..ride the handle bar of your sisters bike going 30 miles an hour down a gravely hill.

or making your sister play Oscar the Grouch in the trash can. Its all fun and games until the can tips over and someone's head gets cracked over a rock.

I loved Oscar!!

You can't open old wounds that have healed unless you dig deep enough, but than isn't that just creating a new one?!!

Didn't your Mom ever tell you not to pick at the scab...makes me cringe just to write that word..yuk!!

Uh Hello, I'm a blonde in case you haven't been paying attention...sometimes I trip up...its part of my nature..but at least I pick myself up, dust myself off, and learn not ride handle bars down the hill...well at least not the same hill!!

So don't go asking me to dig up old wounds. I am blonde..I don't have any!!

Blondes don't go deeper than the root!!


I don't want to eat crow!!

OK...so my idiot friend who only thinks of himself and not the plight of all humanity has decided to go on a business trip to N.C. and cannot fly to Austin to return the sweater!!

Which means I will have to go back into that store to return the sweater and let them exchange it for clothes found online!!

I hate that!!

I hate store credit because it is downright extortion. It's legalized money bullying....making me buy something I don't want to buy!!

It is clearly fortunate for these money mongers that I found something I like on their online store and can exchange the sweater. Although they are forcing me to buy a matching beach bag with the extra credit left and I have to pay for shipping.

Considering everything I have recently been through...I just don't feel like taking on the world this week...

I will take the crow sauteed with wilted spinach, please....

Blondes hate having to swallow their pride!!


Desperate Deisel

I was given a gift from Diesel. It was a sweater, nothing fabulous and decided I wanted to return it.
Going into the store you can feel the desperation when they see my bag.

"OH No..not a return." thought the caddy gay sales clerk.

"Let's bug the crap out of you until we find something to replace that sweater..shall we?!" said the cute anorexic salesgirl.

No thank you..I will just look on my own

"No, No we want to bother you" says anorexic salesgirl

"We really don't want to take your return" says caddy gay sales clerk

I got that thank you but really if I wanted retro 80's graffiti clothes I would have held onto mine

"So how about looking through the catalog" other shadow of a girl salesperson

No thank you, just the money please.

"Well we can't give it to you. I will have to get the super smug manager." says anorexic salesgirl

Excuse me!

"No we have to give you a store credit because we want to make this difficult and painful for you" says super smug manager.

Well than I will call my friend and he can give you his card over the phone..that will work.

Speechless..and they are thinking..and they are thinking..."uh, uh...well we need the physical card." says little lying super smug manager.

Wow. that's pulling it from the bottom of the desperation bag. Fine..I will just fedex the sweater to my friend so he can return it in Houston.

BTW..your clothes suck this season!!

Go home

Check Diesel online for Houston store

Damn..no store in Houston

Fine..new Plan!!



voice mail...

Hi darling..hate for you to go out of your way but its the principal of the matter. I need you to fly here by Friday to return a sweater.

Blondes always find a way to stand on principal!!


Islamic Flu

I have the Flu!!

My gorgeous 3 day weekend and I have the influenza virus moving around my body like sludge in an ice machine.

I always focus on the culprit whom gave me their dirty germs... not that I am ever going to hunt them down like the disease infested animal that they are and put the rest of the world in a 20 ft. radius of their germ spray at ease knowing they will not fall pray to the germ harboring phleeb. Its more so I can send evil thoughts to them while I am in bed with nothing better to do.

My phleep was this Muslim woman on the plane behind me. You think with all that extra fabric her abaya allows to cover her face... she could have used it over her mouth while coughing to protect the rest of the plane from her virus catapulting through the air vents of the plane.

Blondes don't like how sick the world is getting!!!


Another Blonde Moment

I am at airport security check with my back-pack. I have my laptop, Diva, it has a big 'D' sticker on the top of it, and several notebooks. Everything is neatly stacked.

I put all my things in the cubbies:



lay my backpack down carefully





"Whose bag is this?"

Its mine

"Mam, you can't have stuff on top the laptop."

But its only a sticker!

Blondes need to think first before speak!!


Blonde Moment 183

I needed to return some clothes to the Deisel store. I decided to return the items to the store down by the university in hopes of finding a chill replacement for my return.
I found parking


I turned to steep

Pull forward

park again


Turned to hard again

Pull forward

Crap..I am wedged in

Now i can't move the car



OK...now I am in

at a slight angle

Drivers honk

QWhat?! I ask

You can't loop around?1


Where is the store?

I could swear it was here

Maybe I am wrong

I will walk in the other direction


Maybe I missed it

i will walk down the other direction again


Maybe I should ask someone

I don't feel like asking

its a pretty day

I will turn around and just double check

I walk again in the other direction...again


I will ask


It moved to the Domain


That is where I bought this!



Cankle Sore

My ankle is still swollen to the size of my calf. I look like I inherited my Grandmother's cankles based on this leg.

I have been buying up Chukka rubber boots to wear while I heal....pun intended!!

The story:

I went to Victoria Secret to buy all new underwear for my trip to Aspen. I knew it would be cold and I wanted just cotton panties and bras.

I bought the collegiate collection with the little patches and i went for the boy shorts because quite frankly I am not a fan of the thong unless absolutely necessary and under thick winter clothes--

Things are not unnecessary


I get home and I do what every other adult girl would do..I try them on, pour a glass of wuine, turn up the jams and dance on my bed in front of the mirror like a rock star!




I fell off the bed and cracked my ankle on the edge of the suitcase I was packing for my ski trip...pun intended!!

Fortunately, snowboarding uses boots that are more like casts and I was able to use the bunny slope for my fun.

Blondes should use a pole to dance!!

Phone Ex--Change

It is that time of season again where too many ex-boyfriends are calling and I am tired of ignoring them.

It takes a lot of effort to look at caller ID and hit the ignore button!

On top of that, I have to delete the messages quickly hitting the lucky #7 button in time not to hear their voice.

UGHHH...the stress!!!

Don't call me....I will call you.... is a good rule of thumb for those who do not receive a return call somewhere in the 24 hour 'normal rate of return' zone during the week and 36 hour if its a weekend and we didn't have plans, which we wouldn't because I am no longer talking to you.

Does my actions not speak clearly: not answering the phone calls or returning the phone calls--does any of this not ring a bell?!!

I would leave a message saying I have moved on but you will use that as an excuse to call....again!!!

Blondes need a spa day without a mani!!


I don't recall talking business?!

It is charming to sneak off and call a girl while at a function. Unfortunately, it quickly loses mometnum and flattery when you have to tell someone at the party that the girl you are on the phone with is business??!!


Didn't a Governor get in trouble that way?!

Call me when your really free!!

Blonde girls don't engage in that kind of business!!