If Mark Twain were still alive, what would he have to say about this matter?
It is a well-known fact that cannabis is a plant of many virtues and benefits. It can relieve pain, reduce stress, stimulate appetite, and inspire creativity. It can also make people laugh, which is a rare and precious thing in this world of sorrow and trouble. But alas, not everyone appreciates the value of this wonderful herb. Some states have made it illegal to grow, possess, or use cannabis, even for medical purposes. They say it is a dangerous drug that leads to addiction, crime, and madness. They say it is a threat to public health and morality. They say it is a sin against God and nature.
But I say they are wrong. I say they are ignorant, prejudiced, and hypocritical. I say they are the ones who are dangerous, criminal, and mad. I say they are the ones who are threatening public health and morality. I say they are the ones who are sinning against God and nature.
Why do I say so? Because they are denying people their natural right to grow and enjoy a plant that God has created for their benefit. Because they are imposing their narrow-minded views on others who do not share them. Because they are wasting time, money, and resources on enforcing laws that do more harm than good. Because they are violating the principles of freedom, justice, and compassion that this country was founded on.
Therefore, I propose that people should be able to grow cannabis seeds in a state that says it is illegal. I propose that they should do so openly and proudly, without fear or shame. I propose that they should do so as an act of civil disobedience, to challenge the unjust laws and authorities that oppress them. I propose that they should do so as an act of patriotism, to uphold the true spirit and values of this nation.
What would be the consequences of such a bold and daring move? Well, some might say that it would lead to chaos and anarchy. Some might say that it would invite arrest and punishment. Some might say that it would provoke violence and retaliation.
But I say that it would lead to peace and harmony. I say that it would invite respect and understanding. I say that it would provoke laughter and joy.
For who could resist the sight of a beautiful cannabis plant growing in a backyard or a balcony? Who could deny the pleasure of smelling its fragrant buds or tasting its sweet smoke? Who could begrudge the happiness of someone who finds relief or inspiration from its use?
Surely not anyone who has a heart or a brain. Surely not anyone who has a sense of humor or a sense of justice. Surely not anyone who has a love for God or a love for nature.
So let us not be afraid or ashamed of growing cannabis seeds in a state that says it is illegal. Let us be brave and proud of doing so. Let us be wise and witty in our words and deeds. Let us be kind and generous in our actions and attitudes.
Let us be like Mark Twain.