
I Do Not Bake Cookies!!

Donald Zlot (names have been changed to protect the innocent from suits brought on by dirty slandering liars) is in for a rude awakening.

I could have dismissed his many attempts to treat me like an inconsequential fleeb.

I sat there and took it for most of the comments on the US Army News website.

But he broke the camel's back when he suggested I stick to baking cookies for my son.

I do not BAKE Mr Zlot!!

What I do...do...Mr Zlot is fact check credentials so far back in time that I can pin point your first sneeze and where you did it!!

I could care less about your sneeze Zlot..what I care about is taking you off the comments of our US Army News Website.

And for those just tuning in...this is just a tip of the racist and chauvinistic iceberg that Mr Zlot is:

to help you grab a picture in your mind....

Mr Donald Zlot posted this on his Facebook page:

"Today we have a college president who remains in her job at Rhodes because she is black. Black Pastor Ron Fails has twice been arrested for soliciting prostitutes and is still the pastor of his congregation and we are supposed to respect black leaders? The first time he tried running down an undercover police officer with his red Mercedes. Another prominent black leader in town runs a bar where there is constant trouble. Public schools with large black populations are disaster areas in education and the citadels of “dumbing down” and now blacks claim they are being treated unfairly?"

The Blonde does not bake!!!


Why Listen to Me

When you can listen to the music!!!

God is talking to you!!! Are you listening?!!!

I Tip

I am a tipper. And not only 20% tipping..I tip as I walk.

I read about the royalty of the Japanese binding their feet. Being ADD and all of 10, I did not quite get the whole jest of the concept.

What I did get out of it, was that small feet were attractive. Why I thought my feet needed to be beautiful and attractive at such a young age is a vague mystery to me.

But I wanted pretty, little feet.

So I began to curl my toes anytime my Mother tried to buy me new shoes. She, like most Mothers, do a silly thumb test to see if there is room in the shoe for growth.

I would curl my toes and get a pair that fit too tight. And then I would proceed to tie the laces even tighter to restrict the growth of my foot.

It worked.

I am 5'9", almost shy of 5'10" and I have a size 7 foot; but beauty comes with a price and my small feet are not dismissed from the penalty charge incurred by vanity.

I tip.

If I walk straight and look to the left, I tip to the left. If I walk straight and look to the right, I tip to the right.

I also trip just walking down the hall of my own home.

I should have had bigger feet and a bit more broader..but I don't.

I squeezed my feet into shoes two times too small for me for over 8 years of my youth.

And I have the prettiest little size 7 foot to show for it.

I have a little walking impediment to show for it.

I have pretty little feet, pretty little breasts, and pretty little thoughts of how all the things I have done will catch me a fine man...

And then age caught me...

I try to squish my age through out the years...

but as hard as I try, I can not curl my toes under the watchful eyes of Father Time.

So, I beg Mother Nature to help me proverbial curl myself into lasting a little longer.

I think Mother Nature is on my side.

She knows I am a late bloomer and also the runt in the world of Darwin's best.

So she helps me out!!!

I think she helps me because she knows, I am simple but smart.

She knows I am not cut from the same cloth as everyone else and so she grants me the grace of time...

Mother Nature grants me 15 years off my looks...but in time that grant will be waived....

And when my looks fade...

I will have only the curse of my heart that remains viewing the world as a naive child who thinks Utopia can be a real place.

I hold the world to a reasonable effort to grow up and meet the expectations of the Utopia I read in 'Candide'.

I am angry at our society just as much as Thomas Paine is in his address to the people in 'Common Sense'.

I understand the reasoning of these books but I am too simple to change anything.

I am too ignorant to figure out how to change people to see the world as I see it.

I see a socialist society where everyone cares about everyone else...and everyone wants everyone to be happy and have the same respect no matter what the fortune they carry.

But a pure world of these fortunate wants are marred by the those who have the bank and refuse to let free of the noose that strangle themselves and our public on.......we breed the poor to admire wealth without respect for the person behind the golden curtain.

Its Dorothy's trip all over again.

The Wizard of OZ was written as a protest to the government and the manipulation of swapping paper money for gold and debunking silver.

Monopoly was a game to teach the youth how bank lenders steal from the farmers!!!

But you are all grown up now,...and you don;t read the stories nor play the games I do...

You are so much smarter than the Blonde!

Pissed at Change

I am trying to figure out how to get back to my Truman Capote style of paragraphing but Google has fucked me over...Thanks Blogger..you slut and money whore!! The Blonde will change too!!!

Bored Blinde

I have been locked up for a week watching Ally McBeal reruns. I got to the third season and it just started getting stupid. The best ones are really the first 2 seasons. I do have to say, Boston Legal, is a total rip-off of the series. In the third season they kill off Billy...and with out Billy...there really is no Ally! At least not to this love lorn child. To keep my butt in gear, I have been bouncing on my exercise ball and using my little 5 lbs arm weights. I can't turn to jello just because I am in a bit of down town emotionally. I will get really depressed if my body grows love handles from inactivity. Anyhoo, I was also doing my spa day and giving myself manis and pedis and trying face scrubs and clay masks. Well.... The face mask caused an allergic reaction and their is a pink rim around my lips that looks like I took a vacuum cleaner hose to my mouth. At least my nails look pretty! It reminds me of the time when I used Nair to polish my woohoo...and I left it on way too long and got third degree burns. I walked for a few weeks like I had been on a saddle for a few months. Not a pretty picture I assure you. I do not mind being a human test rat when things work out. Its just when they don't work out... I rather PETA just kill me out of pity! Double anyhoo... even if I did not burn the rim of my smile...where would I go?! The Blonde has seen everything!

Whose Lonely?

I think for many of us, we are all lonely but I rather be lonely being alone than being lonely with the wrong person. For that, truly is a lonely feeling. At least I have the freedom to find something. Love may come for me or it may not. Nobody Knows!! Not even the Blonde!


Fairy Tales

The problem with fairy tales is not every little girl gets to believe in them. For some, actually for most, the tale ends when the book closes after the read words of, 'Happily Ever After', and then they tuck themselves in. Love has no pride nor does it have shame! Fairy tales have no real value for anyone who had to read that tale alone!!

 The Blonde hopes the tales will turn!


6 year old in Handcuffs


My outrage is not toward the handcuffs.

My outrage is toward a system that allows a child with mental disabilities to be thrown into the wolves mouths of ignorant commentary by uneducated idiots regarding themselves as viable opinions!

There are laws protecting children from internet predators. Why is there not a law to protect the commentary on a story about a child?!!

A 6 year old child was handcuffed for her own safety. Why the teacher or a counselor could not body hold her to calm her down is not a mystery!! Everyone is so afraid of being sued and/or losing their job that they allowed this child to escalate into a violent episode until the police arrive.

It is beyond reproach!!

This child clearly has a chemical imbalance; a mental illness or a reaction to abuse!! The fact that blame is pushed around like sand on a beach and then raked over to hide the real blame...


And to top off the disgustingly vagrant irresponsibility of the family and school...

I have to read the ugly commentary of very uneducated, overly opinionated idiots of society!!

The Blonde wants mouth guards!!


Looking Back

I am trying to look back at my life and see where everything went so wrong.

The funny thing is...

I have to go back to age 7. My first boyfriend. Randy. He gave me a dogwood leaf cooper ring. I came home from school and proudly showed my Mother. She quickly accused me of stealing it and demanded I return it. Only thing was, I did not steal it.

Randy gave me my very first kiss. It was behind the rolling chalk board and as we were only in the first grade and new to hidden love, it did not occur to us that our feet showed underneath. The teacher quickly dispersed us and sent us on our way.

I took the ring back to school and hid it away in my little pink plastic cubby hole at the end of the school day. The next day I was hoping to wear it again but someone had stolen it out of my cubby.

I told Randy what happened with the ring and he broke up with me on the spot.

He would not forgive me and that set the catalyst for the next generation of men to hit my life in high school and college.

The Blonde is looking in her rear-view mirror!!

The Povery Line

There is a divide in this country and its not political...

The media has you believe thetre is nothing but mega wealth and mega poor; but for those of us living reality outside the gate of OZ...

We see the lines a little more clearly:

Its the Mega wealth divided by the almost billionaires.

The almost billionaires to the mega millionaires.

The mega millionaires to the millionaires.

The millionaires to the upper middle class

The upper middle class to the middle calls

The middle class to the lower middle class

The lower middle class to the poor..

And the poor is grouped into just one category...the category of a virus no one wants to get too close to.

But there is a poor who are creative and smart and live an eclectic but intellectual life.

The poor who work an honest life and just hope their kids find a better world for themselves.

And then the poor in money, mind, morality, and respect for themselves and any one else...

Society has drawn all these lines in the economy of people...

The lines have boxed everyone in.

The Blonde is claustrophobic!!!

Ally McBeal

I have been watching reruns of Ally McBeal and realizing, I am a lot like the character. I am easily provoked with matters of the heart. I am romantic in a world that is very anti-romance these days.

This past month, I have had to deal with a married jerk soliciting sex on MySpace. a jealous woman calling my phone 18 times a day (of which I have quickly nipped in the butt..that story to come later), and the colossal mistake of buying a ticket on a whim of chance love.

Men seem to want to hop in bed so quickly theses days. Its a total turn off to me and quite frankly, no relationship ever comes about such quick interludes. The best that will come about this premature ejaculation situation is a relationship slanted on the side of sex and to develop the rest of personality, romance, and love in order to bond is next to impossible.

Not to mention Internet dating has turned the prospects of love into a game of the contestants getting the prize but wanting more of a prize. No one bothers to stop spinning the prize wheel with online dating. They come home from a date and immediately log on to their perspective dating sites to see if they can do better.


One of the episodes talks about the reality of finding someone who is right as opposed to finding the one true love of their life. In the end, the character succumbs and marries the Ms. Right instead of holding out for a fantasy that will never happen. And if it did, it probably would be under false pretense. Of course the dude was way obese and chugging for a heart attack..but I digress..

Back to the story...

I have been holding out for the perfect one myself and that is why I am alone. There is no easy answer. There is not that perfect love and if you wait too long or keep seeking it out..you just might miss someone really great to love.

And we all have done this. That is why we invented drunk dialing. We all know there are missed opportunities and even though our heart is not in it...during a drunken stupor...our heart tells out head how stupid we are and thus a drunk email or drunk dial is imminent...sometimes.

I am not saying to ditch your dreams or your dream girl or dream guy..

I am just saying that dream girl or guy could be the one but was never given a chance because we looked for an upgrade.

We have two options in this life and for me...that option is hopeless romantic, holding on to finding something I know what come. I like the chase of the dream..

I haven't quite figured out how to settle down and make a perfect life with someone. I am disillusioned in the dream that it all comes wrapped in a pretty perfect package. Only, every time I unwrap the package...it is never the prize I think it is.

Don't make the same mistake as me.

Love is not in the leading man but the story of finding someone who can be your leading man..or woman!!

That is a Blondism!!


I Want This Kind of Love


 I Wont Get It!! But A Blonde Can Dream!!!