
Bye Bye Bottle Baby

I used to enjoy a bottle of wine every Friday. I no longer do that. I prefer maybe one glass of wine and that is it. I guess I am just super tired of it. After all, its been a few years of nursing my wine through an evening alone at home.

It was an old habit, leftover from a former boyfriend, and it was time to break it.

After going on date after date where the men just drank until the barrel ran dry, I looked at myself and thought....I don;t want to be like that. Nor do I want to be with someone who is like that. Not that they were bad people but drinking like there is no tomorrow is better left to the Spring Break crowd.

Along with not drinking comes the loss of my Nat Sherman habit as well. I rarely smoke these days and my lungs appreciate the cleaner air they enjoy. I will still enjoy the occasional puff filled fabulousness but it doesn't quite taste the same as when accompanied by a glass of vino.

In the end, life changes aren't so hard. Its as simple as saying....I have had enough and I am not going to take it anymore. Once small changes are made, larger ones begin and for the better.

I am at the preverbal turning point in my blonde bubble. Not to say it could burst and rain on my parade but for now...I am dancing to a new tune and I love it.

The Blonde is only sippy cup away from being her best!!


Stupid People Suck

I want it on a big bumper sticker so the next time I drive through a Sears drive-in battery replacement center...the men that work there will see it albiet get the correlation because they are STUPID!!

Seriously, I went to get a battery replaced and I went inside with the battery sans the car...the Saab wouldn't fit through the door.


Stupid sears salesman who is not a mechanic and has no common sense couldn't just look at the battery I just handed to him to replace it with one just like it. He insisted he needed to know the make of the car. I said "No you don't".

He said 'the system will have to tell me'.

I said, "You can't just look at the battery and give me a new one the same size and with the same post placements".

"The system has to tell me".

I said "But don't you have another system, one where you can look at the battery and turn around and look at the wall of batteries behind you and find an identical?"

"No Ma'am".

I and my old battery left on principle. The problem with giving them the make of a foreign car, it inevitably brings up the most expensive battery and nay lists a cheaper alternative. If you go to Wal-Mart they will look in the system and tell you they don't have a battery for SAAB or Jaguar.

Its not in their system.

But the batteries are on the shelves behind their stupidness.

We went to O'Reilly's. They use the old fashion 'system' of knowing what they are doing.

I had a 'system' argument once before at a Home Depot. I went to buy two french doors at 219$ a piece but the register rang it up as $2.19. I said there must be a mistake and the guy at the register and his manager looked at the doors and then looked at the receipt and simply, stupidly said "Nope, if its in the system , it has to be right"

The Blonde won't argue with stupidity!!


Under Control

Now that I have my man situation under control, I have nothing else to say about the matter. So it seems we are back to the blonde bitch fest this blog has been known for in the past.

My first bitch of the month, now that the weather has been fair to fab, is the inability of fat people and dog walkers to stay to the right of the hike and bike trails.

While I commend healthy walking habits, I have to give the bigger girls a failing grade for having to bring two of their chubby comrades to join them in the walk and leaving about six inches to the left to circumvent my bike around them.

On top of that I am dealing with double dog walkers who leave the leash loose enough for the dog to get caught up in my bike spokes if I dare continue my ride at regular speed. I spend most of my time at a snail pace just to get by without taking a nose dive.

I am thinking about buying some magic markers and poster board and put a few signs that remind the hefty crew and the doggie duds to keep to their side for other serious runners and biker's safe passage.

Why I am at it, a few signs reminding the pooch set to carry their ziploc doggie waste bags, would be another positive way of telling people to have some f--g manners.

One girl on a bike had the right idea.

She had a bell.

It was a pleasant way of saying, "Get the f-- out of my way!"

I am going to have to get me a bell.

Only my bell will have a little more oomph in the meaning.

I am thinking of an air horn for my bell.

Blondes on a bike may not have the right of way but we should.

The Blonde likes it when everyone is right!!


I Am Like Barbara Streisand

I keep saying I am over posting to the blog but something catches my fancy and I must.

Daily Horoscope: February 26, 2010

You're committed to one person -- but it might not be a romantic thing! Your ability to build strong relationships extends to all areas of life, so expect this to last quite a long time for you both.

On the eve of my more pragmatic decision's in love, I thought this horoscope fit perfectly into my agenda.

Although I disagree that romance is not a part of it!

The Blonde will not sing a lonely ballad!


I am Not 3D

You don't have the special glasses and the insight to see beyond me.

Don't try to see past what you are not supposed to.

I am not an Avatar from Ferngully's new CGI film. You will not get any more in depth than what I write on this blog. This blog is only a canvas and only for the part of me that I am willing to share.

It may seem like I share a lot but I share a far lot less than you get.

I am not brave enough to put all of me on here.

I do let you grab at a glimpse of me if you are an avid fan and know that I post many things that are taken down just a few hours later during the early weekend mornings when I can not sleep.

I have very few of you left these days.

It feels almost like the last song of the dance in high school.

The song is almost over. The dance is about to end...

I am going to leave this gymnasium and wonder who I should have danced with...

And would that dance have changed my course....

And than I think...

My course was set long ago and everything leading up to this moment was only a tease and a branch blocking the road until I found my way into the right path.

Into the life I was meant to have.

It was a lovely dance.

But it must end...

Mr DeMille, the Blonde is ready for her close up!

No Study Break

Won't be anytime soon. I am trying to get ahead of my studies for traveling.

I had a fabulous time in D-town but I am keeping it in hush mode since I don't want to jinx any future fabulousness.

I will get back to you in a few!!

The Blonde is seriously busy!


Viva La Francais Etudie

I almost do not know what to do with myself now that I have a break from studies. I just finished my french test and other than screwing up on the exception to the rules of conjugations, I did well.

Hopefully the extra credit for drawing my cat will take care of my conjugation mishap.

Of course that mishap isn't half as stupid as handing over a Jackson yet to another hideous dating site.
Playing around on facebook, I thought the Zoosk ( I guess zooks was taken) app was free so I profiled myself again.

Big mistake.

Its scarier than a myspace dating site.

I should have known better to meet someone for sushi who in the first few minutes of phone conversation gave a life history of drugs, rehab, and divorce from a Tabasco heir.

Every true southerner knows Lousiana Gold is the pepper sauce to go with.


I am thinking about revisiting some ex's instead of looking for new love. The great thing about them, is that I already know their inner freak. I experienced their flaws and to tell you the truth, I think I can live with most of them....

If I really try!

Let's see...

Who would be on my list:

The most perfect boyfriend, EVER, but married.

The media heir with his prescription pill filled drawers.

The avante garde traveler with bi-coastal pads but no home.

The musician in a band with a slight cocaine problem.

The viagra addicted southern charmer.

For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health...

Its such a big decision.

I might need Bob Barker's spinning wheel for a fun filled decision breaker.

I do have one more option.

A Maryland man with some crazy notion that we might work out.

At least I haven't met him yet. There is still hope.

The Blonde is an educated idiot!


First Date of The Year

Ichiban in Austin isn't the Ichiban in New Orleans but my NOLA dj date was pretty cool except that I think he is a little too fresh out of rehab and divorce for me.

I wish the sushi would have been as fresh.

He also didn't tell me he had a girlfriend in New Orleans until after his phone went off about 7 times. An ex playboy bunny who probably had the sixth sense to know her man was on a date.

Ahhh...you gotta love the date with a frog.

You need them for comparison so you know when a Prince of a man comes along.

I think the little reptile might have been high, too!

So much for rehab.

Its funny, I spent longer to get ready for the date than I actually spent on the date. I would have loved to wash the date down with some saki, while he tried to explain the 'girlfriend' thing, but I don't drink during the week and really just wanted to get home.

I did learn his bunny likes popping pills....

That was a fun little fact.


Back to my french studies and the thought of New Orleans with a better flavor!

The Blonde needs last call!


Lonley Hearts and Downtrodden

The Blonde has a huge reserve of love!!

Is it a case of VD...

or did I contract something today?


I was happy today. I didn't have a thought of any man in my head.

I put on my old engagement ring, right hand, and just smiled at how pretty it is.

It may seem superficial to admire a sparkly thing but if you knew the story behind it, you would see its not superficial at all. But there are some stories you do not share. I learned that a long time ago and my pretty little ring reminds me of that every time I see it shine and sparkle at me.

I put everything in the past, everything from yesterday back.

Valentine's means so much more to me than Xmas or New Years put together.

Its a holiday that celebrates nothing more than love. It celebrates new love, old love, and the possibility of love. And why, I may seem a bit re-morsed with my Cupids, I do really love it.

Its a celebration of all who have made it through the dark and light and still together.

Its a calling card of hope for those that started to fade on the idea of love.

For nothing more than a few flowers, a bit of chocolate, and a silly card can send a lifetime of sentiment to someone.

On account of Valetine,I was warm and fuzzy and forgetful today.

I forgot my student ID when I went to take my test.

I forgot my scarf when I went home to get my ID.

And I forgot about the last guy I went out with.


I got my ID

I got my scarf

I got an A on my test

and I went shopping for my loved ones.

I dressed up like I was going for a romantic lunch date and I went to the Godiva kiosk for the chocolate. I have to go back tomorrow because I am not the only one who forgets on Valentine. The salesperson forgot to place one of the boxes in my bag.

Even with one less chocolate sentiment, I was still happy and I called and we worked it out for me to pick up my forgotten box of chocolates in the morning.

I went to the card store and it seemed picked over so I went to my local grocery. There I was on the phone with my newly engaged friend and listening to him brag about his Valentine events.

While I listened intently to him, I looked at the stock of cards and they had little to offer.

I left the grocery emtpy handed, smiling, happy to go to another store and then...

and then...

Out of the blue this SUV. I wouldn't have thought about it other than the gold emblem but as I glimpsed and walked on to my car it made some very awkward moves.

The driver seemed to be in a panic.

I do not see why?

Maybe it might have been someone I went out with a few times and was told he wasn't interested. He had found someone else.

Pehaps she was in the SUV with him.

Perhaps he thought I would try to say hello.

Well, I wouldn't have.

A Blonde can only take so much rejection.

I have my pride.

I would have done exactly what I did when I saw him the minute I walked out of the grocery.

I ignored him and went to my car.

For a minute he did put a huge damper on my day.

To think someone would go through all that trouble to avoid me.

Ouch~~~That really hurt.

And on my Happy Valentine Day.

The Blonde isn't a basket case!