
Dallas Twisted but I am Screwed

Thanks Deity on hand.... for nothing!!!

I could have recouped my airfare from another online dating downer but


You sent salt from the skies to rub in my wound all for your entertainment purposes.

I know they are laughing at me. They have a lingering bet board on my trying to grasp the concept of..

giving up on a useless endeavor.

I can't cancel the ticket online and I can't get through the phone system because of the hurricane in Dallas.

I am going to have to eat the price of the ticket.

I think I will frame this ticket in a giant gilded frame to remind myself that any man I find using an online dating system has absolutely no value other than replacing boredom for a few bits of my life.

I am not going to rant on about online dating any more than I have in the past. I am beating a dead horse here.

Its my fault for thinking that their might be someone like me online.

I fess up a little too much..I know that..but why should I hide anything?

Because the perception men have of women online is severely jaded?

Not my problem.

Well, it is...because I got stuck with a tab for trying again.

I am not working Pavlov's theory very well, Am I?

The Blonde is tired of dogs!



What the hell is wrong with the people who post comments on YouTube?

I post on YouTube and I have yet to curse or bash anyone.

I critique. I make people think but I don't trash anyone.

I wrote a comment about a 12 year old girl on some talent show. She was very good but hair raising experience?


I commented on that after seeing the exploits of young children pushed out on stage by eager parents to get rich off their talented little one. I can't help but notice that all the stage Mothers are a bit huge in girth and not very pretty. Some big girls are quite lovely like Queen Latifa, J-Lo, and as soon as I can think of a hefty femme fatale in the caucasian persuasion..I will let you know.


I refrain from commenting things like this on YouTube but my blog is mine and I will say whatever I like.

My comment about this little pint sized junior pop star was merely this:

"I feel she has a great voice for her age but if you close your eyes and not be persuaded by her age, she still has some vocal training to do."

I got 15 hater mail. Curse words and everything.

I never comment back because I am not looking to engage in a conversation with idiots who clearly are just not that savvy in music.

All I am saying is, using your kids to get rich is a poor way to be a parent.

And these talent television shows exploit them to tug at the hearts of viewers and up their ratings. But at what expense to the children?

How do you tell a 4 year old, whom just read a poem about nature with a Boa slithering around her neck, that she is not going to make it to the next round?

The Blonde is not that blind!

Beyond the Boob

Because I have an obsession with pretty breasts, I tend to look at them. And I stare at the ones I like. I do not get any sexual feeling from them. I am not in any way, shape, or form attracted to women in that way although..after the men I have dated...I often wonder sometimes if I rather not want to date chicks.

I did have a lesbian stalker once and she went further than any guy stalker I ever had. She actually broke into my house. What really gets my goat too is the fact she broke the same window that was broken a month before by thieves. Having to replace the same window twice really ticked me off.

I am pretty sure lesbian are a trite more horrid than men.

I have nothing but admiration for the female form but that is all. Perhaps I was a lesbian in a past life and this is the reverb I have coming out.


I am certain I did not get into the private catholic university in Houston because my interview was with a very chubby young girl with a scoop necked top and perfectly sized breasts and her decolletage (the part in between the neck and breast) was peachy and smooth like a baby.

I know she caught me looking at them and although I tried to pass it off as looking at my application..

Forget it.

I was doomed. I am sure she tossed my transcripts in the pervert file.

Quite frankly, if you do not want me looking at them than wear a buttoned down blouse. Don't lycra the very curve of them in a stretchy knit top.

Well, thank God for Harvard. Its a sight unseen acceptance.

The Blonde needs eye to eye contact!


The Incredible Beauty of Natural Breasts

I don't know how to put it any other way.

I have this obsession with a woman's Decolletage...and not the whole part of it but the old version of the meaning...

The bottom of the neck to the top of the chest framed by a GENTLY scooped neckline that shows just enough but flows with femininity AND gracefulness right above the nipple. The skin across the chest from shoulder to shoulder is smooth and soft and the delicate curvature that caves in and causes a shadow that directs your eyes not to the nipple but just above it....where your eyes and mind linger....as if in a spell..

I think a woman's breast, right at the bottom where it curves off the body and slopes up just to the nipple, when untouched and natural no matter the size, shape, age, color...is God's best landscape.

And I can marvel at the beauty of a naturally made breast without wanting to touch it, change it, or conquer it.

The Blonde has only admiration


The Gods That Speak

...is just my inner voice oozing out of my cerebral cortex without me knowing it until I digest it!

I make every excuse in the book to not meet new people. I make sure to destroy any hope of a new relationship.

And you know how I know?

I am self aware.

Now, today, the car situation...I am not psychotic enough to cause damage to inanimate objects just to get out of a date..that was not even a fluke; it happened a few days before I met the bar style dates.

I just failed to get it fixed and perhaps that was my subconscious waiting to use it as an excuse.

I really would make a great psychologist if it weren't for the fact I hate people who are so unaware that they need a shrink.

I am actually more happy when things do not work out than when they do.

I really wish I could fix myself enough to not fuck things up for myself when I real meet a guy.


Damage does as damage is.

I am hurt and will never let anyone have the chance to hurt me again.

This I can not fix.

I thought I was OK.

I really did.

But I find a way to piss away any guy I meet, away.

Maybe one day...someone will be smart and sneak up on me really slowly and allow me to scratch like a feline for awhile before I settle into a comfort zone that might allow me to love....

but that guy is not one coming off the internet.

That guy, the one guy, will come out of no where.....

The Blonde will not have to look for it!

The Gods Are Speaking

...Loud and clear, they are!!

I was supposed to meet up for a date last night and somehow got involved with teen angst. I rather take in a run away and make sure the problemo with the parental units is worked out in a calm and mature way than allow her to shack up with girlfriends who will be counter productive in getting her back home.

Needless to say, all is fine and she is back home and I missed out on a date I was not too keen on in any way.

Than today, I was going boating with another date, one again not keen on. I do not like meeting up with someone I barely know surrounded by his friends. Its always an awkward situation where you feel you are being judged or summed up by strangers.

Well, my car battery is dead. The Blonde forgot to turn off her headlights the night before.

Its a large battery for a jaguar and a little battery from a Honda is just not going to do the trick. I need to hit Sears and get a battery charger and let it sit in the wall for a few hours.

No boat ride for me today!!

But their is a hug plus to this event.

The jaguar sat at the mechanics for 4 weeks while he figured out what the rattling in my car was. I picked it because after four weeks and no estimate, I figure screw it.

He said I needed a new suspension. Well, turn out I do not.

When I lifted the hood to look for the positive to charge the electric system in order to open the trunk where the battery is located, I found the reason for all the clanking in my car. The radiator fsn in the front has a frame and that frame is moving about when I hit a bump.

All I need is need ot due is tighten it back to the frame and VOILA!!

No more clanking in my car and all for the sweet amount of priceless.

I don;t what the Gods are calling me out on this weekend but considering my dates have been hindered..

I am going with that scenario.

I have my interview next week for a job at my prized Whole Foods and a cool new pad to call home.

All in all, its been a good thing.

The Blond is popping a beer and heading to the pool...alone!


Selling Out

This weekend, I am going to post videos of Pavarotti singing duos with pop stars but before you see those..I will post 3 videos of him before he sold out...

and after you watch it...

I want you to ask yourself just one question..

Do you think...

he was happiest before or after he sold out for the money?

The Blonde asks rhetorical questions!!!

But for now..this is strictly just for me and its the exception to the rule..

You can never sell out playing aside Queen!!!

Nessun Dorma

This is pure passion..before he sold out!

The Blonde will fall to her knees every time!

Hard Headed Woman

The Blonde is looking for the same hard headed man!


Full Moon Brings Strays

Strange evening tonight. I blame the moon.

I will tell you later...

I am in the midst of a romance film and quite frankly a little tired from playing mediator...

I am great with misunderstood and eclectic teens and so they acclimate to me but having to deal with their parents is down right exhausting.

The best thing anyone can do in a situation is step back

Re situate

Let emotions lie....

Its a full moon and it does funny things!!

The Blonde smiles at knowing the morning will bring new light!!!

Dating For Dummies

I have a date tomorrow and I got it the old fashion way. I plopped my ass down on a bar stool ordered a drink and waited for a hit.

Within 3 minutes, I had a gentleman walk up to me and ask me to join him and his friends. I declined on the sit in with strangers. Its always awkward and I somehow got a swinger vibe from the couple he was hanging with.

I said I would give him my number and so he pulled out his antique iPhone...and I thought uh...really? Dude? Get a new phone...

But as I thought that, I decided I was being unfair. I don't like men to judge me for my crappy jaguar and trust me they have in the past, so as not to be a hypocrite..I signed up for a meet up on Friday.

I am fairly certain he will not pan out but its company and something to do...and as I have said earlier in my posts...before I crack I need to get amongst peeps again.

I do have to say the one thing that kind of irritated me was he thought I was 29. And for a 50 plus gent to hit on someone he thought was 29...

I don;t know but it irritates.

I told him I am way over that mark and you could see the instant his face changed...

He was disappointed..and I thought ...why?

Why would you be let down that an age appropriate chick who looks like she is 29 be a disappointment?

I guess I am taking on the date just to fuck with him.

As a matter of fact, that is exactly why I am going on this date.

A 50 plus man with a 10 year old iPhone has the balls to think he deserves a sexy 30 year old?


I am going to have fun with this one...

Stay tuned!!

Next week, I will find a new bar and a new student.

The Blonde will be posting grades!!

Google This

I run my blog through blogger but that is about to end now that Google has hijacked my account and forces me to sign in-not with my domain email- but a g-mail account.

It took me two hours to get my blog back!

Google apps is the worst!

I am getting really tired of the nerd wars the status quo is getting tangled up in.

Google can't stand they were knocked off the throne by Zuckerberg.

In a desperate attempt to catch up and find better ways of harvesting information, they have a created nightmare in privacy issues for Google kingdom.

I personally am dropping my g-mail accounts, moving over to Mozilla Firefox and knock the search engine back to Alta Vista.

I think I might start playing around with MySpace Again..

the people are the crazy eclectic types I like to jib with.

The Blonde says Yahoo!!