
The Common Denominator

I can't have the ones I want and I don't want the ones I can have...

The Blonde is pretty sure that = single!!

Feelin Good

The Blonde bows to the great Nina Simone!


Rural And Urban

do not mesh...

There are great looking Texas men but they live in Austin and Dallas. Houston not so much...they have the pudgy fingers and they are a little too rugged for my taste.

When i talk Texan..I mean people that live way out in Dirtsville around the edges of no city. Their manners are brash and they are cocky without having anything to be arrogant about.

I thought it would be nice if I give Mr. Barnyard one more chance to redeem himself but he proved to have manners of a horsefly.

Thrice did he interrupt me in mid statement on the phone to take another call. He is not a surgeon nor running a covert operation...he has email and the calls best waited.

He might want to reconsider going to charm school and try picking up manners by mistake.

I doubt he could learn them...you can't teach old dogs...

He is definitely not worth the mileage on my car.

Personally I don't think he had phone calls at all. I think he had a temper tantrum and just hung up because I told him again I was not riding out to the country to spend the weekend with him.

What ever happened to dating and getting to know someone?

These guys know that if you keep getting to know them...they will never get laid!!

The Blonde is sticking to southern mannered city dwellers only.



I try not to use ADD medicine and work on my own but with work, school ,ad Boo going off to Afghan..something had to give...

And it was my focus!!

I can't get through Aristotle and Plato and deal with the down trodden dieter without some of my sanity breaking.

So I took the plunge and went to the Doctor..it had been so long since I have seen my MD that I forgot his name and where the office was.

It took some serious recall!!

I got the prescription and went to my neighborhood pharmacy.

What is funny? The woman in front of me was having a conniption fit because her medicine was out of stock.

Guess what?!

Her meds were the same one I was trying to get.

Apparently, the Westlakey Mothers used up all their kids Adderall for dieting purposes and now they are all in a refill frenzy mode to replace the meds for their kid's mid-terms.

The woman in front of me looked like she was dealing with her Drug Daddy than she did a pharmacist. When he told her that they were out, you could see her begin to twitch like a zebra with horse flies.

She serously needs to step away from the counter. But she did not. her little head swirled like Linda Blair in that devil movie and I might have exaggerated this..but she seemed to spew venom from her eyes at me when she thought I was going to push her aside from the 'drop-off' counter at the local Heebee Jeebees.

I think the junior pharmacist saw I was about to be eaten by the adderall-a-medusa and she quickly saved me by pulling me to another 'drop-off' window.

While out of harms way the junior pharmacist explained to me that the entire lot of adderall had been carnaged in the entire Westlakey and Bee Keys area.

I looked at the bug-eyed speed Mom next to me and simply said..."No Problem"

And then I calmly left the building like anyone who was not hooked on prescription speed would.

Ahh Haaa!!!!!

I didn't go so ballistic..I merely went up the street 10 miles and found Target outside the Westlakey zone and they filled me up.

let this be a warning to you...Woman that you marry because you think they are perfect are hardly that and you deserve what you wish for!!!

You wonder why women are bitches and their kids bullies?!!

Think Stepford!

Think Adderall!

If you do not have A.D.D. and take adderall than you are just a speed freak in a fancy zip code kidding yourself!!


Meanwhile, I will be thinking Plato, Aristotle, and the ethics that govern our lives!

And still struggling with A.D.D.

The Blonde wont abuse a good thing!!

Oh Lord, Texans!!

what the hell do you do with them?

As a woman, I say throw them back in the Brazos River and let them float away.

I just don't understand Texas men who think they are God's gift to women when clearly--they are not!!

They have mirrors but they don't see anything but what they make and not who they are.

They think flashing their things around is going to make a girl want to play their house buddy when they are bored yet they never plan on taking care of them.

Its all about the Texan being taken care of and the woman is just the 'little lady' in the house who needs to be seen with big tits and not heard--especially if she has a political opinion.

They want the woman to be super attractive when they look like an obese midget with giantism...

Seriously they all have stubby fingers..its very odd!!

What the baffook (new word)?!!

I have to fish outside the Texas pond for my men because clearly this East coast girl can not deal!!

The Blonde likes out of state!!!

Gone, Gone, And Gone

I finally cleared out my guy friend pantry.

Its funny, I hate telling men i don;t love them when I actually still do but it seems the only way to get them to go away.

Its harsh but I have to do what is best for me and having lingering 'friends' around that I am secretly hoping a commitment from is just stupid-in my opinion.

Plus, we all know how I feel about past sexual relationships turning into friendship that really is just a front for playing safe and still keeping the girl.

If a man can't commit to me, than he does not get to keep me as a comfort blanket.

End of story.

The new story is a whole new genre of men. I have a NOLA visit coming up with a hottie from Facebook that I have been putting off.

I am not really looking for much these days. I need to finish school and see where that road leads me.

I am hoping it leads me down a silk road where money will be no object and i can travel and find men in unusually fabulous places up and down Italian Riviera.

Why settle for Americans; when their is a world of men to meet!!

The Blonde just needs to finish her law degree!!!


There Are No Second Chances

Not true...

There are plenty of second chances. They may not be in the same direction as you once took but there are if you keep going.

Change up your navigation until the right road is taken and then the world will open new roads to steer you in the direction that you were supposed to take all along.

So, if you think about it...screwing up a first chance might be becaause you were suppose to.

I just finished my ethics exams and did very well. I aced my literature essays, and I have a complete application in to UT.

My law degree is a little closer to happening.

Something that should have happened long ago..or should it have?

Maybe I need to go through all the things I have in order to get to this patch of road...

The road untried...

The road with risk and hope and all the good things tied up in not giving up.

its very evident to me that a housewife is not my destiny.

Something is and I am excited to find out.

In the meanwhile, I have no desire to settle with anyone nor let them settle upon me and steer me off the wrong path.

That being said....

The Blonde is alright with being single forever!!!


Whose Rockin the Written Life?

At the moment I am.

I have given up on trying to follow a life that obviously is not mine.

Through all my adjustments and failures, I have finally figured out that my life was written long ago...and all I need to do is go with the flow and not sweat the small stuff.

Life has something in store for me...and I am just going to ride the ride...and hopefully in the end...

I will be at peace.

Happiness I have

Love I have

Family I have

Friends I have

Joy I have

What more do I need?

If I wish for wealth than I am wishing for something I already have.

My Utopia is loving the world as it is given to me.

And I think I am finally getting that in baby steps!!

The Blonde is in no rush to discover the rest of life!!!


Kiss me Kiss ME Good

Kiss Me Good!!'

Forget the Money...I want the pretty candy face and body every time!!!

God I love you and Lord knows I can't quit you...

You have ruined me for everyone else!!!


Some Love Affairs

Just were never meant to be more than a discovery of one's self!


Holy Cowhide Y'all

Its was a duffel bag full of drama last week.

I had a jealous wife hunt me down on Facebook.

I had one of my best friends leave his husband.

My baby boy is going off to train in bullet wound trauma.

I think the jealous wife thing has been squashed..let's hope so!!

My friend is going back and reconciling with his partner.

And my baby boy has his new gaming computer to look forward to when he gets home.

And I...had no drama!!

I had a nice weekend in the country with someone.

I got an extra surprise in my bank account thanks to the refund department at school.

And I have just been inducted into Sigma Alpha Pi. The national leadership honor society.


What a whirl wind of activity surrounding me.

But I am kicking ass in the life department!!!

I love me job. More importantly I love how I get to bitch about my job when secretly..its pretty awesome!!

I love school and happy knowing I am one year closer to my law school degree!!

I love the fact that I have reconciled to the fact that I love being single.

I am not going to settle down.

I like weekend boyfriends to keep me company but my goal is to end up like Auntie Mame.

If you have not seen the movie...you should watch it!! I prefer the remake as opposed to the Lucille Ball version.

An older woman surrounded by drama from other people, meanwhile happy as a lark just being her fabulous self.

That is who I am...

A Blonde happy in her skin!!!


I Am Going Back to the Start

and so will you gaby boy..I love you and you will find your way!!

The Blonde promises!!