
Somebody Slap me!!

So I am totally bored at work and have still been looking on craigslist but not for work..I am TROLLING the adult section under gigs and pretending I am 'girl for hire' but a very respectable..I mean expensive one..than again what do I know about prostitution!!

I tell you..I could not write this stuff myself..well...actually I am writing it but the guys part of the dialog is priceless..better than the married man on myspace!!!

I can't wait to make it a series of short films..once I get my DAMN CAMERA!!!

Exerts from the seedy arena of adult gigs:

Names have not been changed to protect the idiot ...who used his real name!

How big is the house, where is it located..
I am not really a maid but I can clean a house. I need the extra money.

Very nice photo, you look classy and nice. Would you be open to sensual massage and adult fun? Jimmy

How much?


My Mom pays the maid for that and she just cleans

$100 every two weeks and maybe once a week? and I won't even make you clean?

Seems really low but this is Texas

$175 for once every two weeks and
$150 for once a week
and I don't clean....we are talking hand cleaning not clean inside and out.

Inside and out and I can only afford a hundred.....

The price is fixed..no negotiations

Okay I appreciate your honesty. I'll keep your email if I can budget that. Until then if you change your mind please let me know.

Thanks and hope you have a wonderful holiday,

and than he added his photo to the email..schmuckk!!

Blondes should not find things like this funny!!!

Horny Cat!!

You know some cool cats like to dress up in ladies panties, others like to look at porn, and still others like the strip joints but not mine…

Nope, No way, my cat, Horny Cat, brother to Crack Cat, likes backpacks, knapsacks and gym bags.
He starts rubbing on them, getting himself into a little frenzy of slobbering love and if by God you go near his nylon affectionate substitute before he has time to finish off in the zippered pocket you should expect to lose skin.

It just so happened Horny Cat was making love to my laptop bag and I needed it to check myspace blogs…dammit!!
You can see my urgency..cat cum or blog..it was a simple choice for me really!!

Determined to retrieve my bag unscathed, I like any smart blonde who doesn't like to scar, I volunteered the services of my male compadre'.

"Oh Boo…;We have a Crisis!!"

Being the ever so wonderful friend hoping to one day get laid, he swiftly came (no pun intended) and whisked Horny Cat off the bag thus helping me retrieve my laptop

The problem was…Horny Cat was not done with his knapsack time and needed to finish so he chose to continue his seuel of Pussy Pillow 3 on my friends napsack. Disgusted by the whole affair my so called friend whipped Horny Cat off his nap sack and throws him in my room still with his pink spiky mancatliness whipping about.

Confused and obviously stricken with blue kitty balls . Horny Cat sat in the corner of my room with a confused and hurt expression on his face wondering why his back pack betrayed his love.
Here horny Cat..Here's my Back Pack..Dammit!!

Blondes believe in Animal's Rights to Fetishes!!


Blonde Moment 191

Work has been very slow and I have been modeling again. In Austin there is not much to pick from and so I surf craigslist at work on the work computer.

O.K. so I click on Talent under the Gigs...
I scroll through

hmmm...this one looks alright

Foot Model...

Must be for shoes or even better ...boots!!

Please check out our web page for more detail


If you are older than 18 click here

18? hmm....Why do you have to be 18 to buy shoes?!
Maybe they are really sexy shoes!! or even better sexy thigh high boots!!




Click Out!!

Click Out!!

Erase Cache!!

Delete History File!!

Blondes didn't know penis was a foot accessory!!


Arte by Via

Holy Crap its Xmas

Its begun....My Dad goes a little nuts on this holiday..he lines his lights exactly 1 1/2 inches apart around the windows ..each one straight as a soldier in formation. There will be a total of 5 trees

The Dickens Village tree--
The glass Bird menagerie tree
The fresh tree where only 3-6 tinsel strings may be applied
The Disney tree
and the prodigal grandson's tree

There will be 4 lighted reindeer outside
3 large wooden nutcrackers
2 train sets
and one x-mas scam:

phone call
Mother to Eldest daughter, "So your father only gave me so much for presents this year and I have to buy all these people gifts..I don't know how I can afford it all"

Eldest daughter to Mother, "Thats alright Mother you don't have to get me anything"

next phone call
Mother to youngest daughter, "So your father only gave me so much for presents this year and I have to buy all these people gifts..I don't how to afford it all"

Youngest daughter to Mother, "That's alright Mother you don't have to get me anything"

next phone call
Mother to middle daughter, "So your father only gave me so much for presents this year and I have to buy all these people gifts..I don't how to afford it all"

Middle daughter to Mother, "Thats alright Mother you don't have to get me anything"

so Christmas closes in and Mother has purchased nothing, Father scrambles to to buy last minute gifts and I hear mumbling on the phone in the background...something about a swiss bank account...



Mother Grinch

Like the Grinch who tries to steal Christmas from the Who's down in Who-ville by swiftly grabbing packages and stuffing them on his dog drawn sleigh.... so does my Mother’s need to pilfer the holiday goods out of packages sent to the house from friends.

In gypsy like stealthiness she answers the door, grab the box from the post man, and quickly tucks it behind the bird menagerie Christmas tree waiting for the moment when she is alone in the house, not a creature is stirring not even the crack cat's stuffed mouse and than....

She opens the package

She takes the candy she knows we like
and hides it away
than she leaves the candy we don't like
knowing it will stay

than she tosses out the name tags
claiming none were ever found

carefully peels away the wrapping paper
without making a sound

keeps what she likes
puts the rest back inside

thinking she is clever
she claims it just arrived

along with a swiss bank account..we think she runs a gift shop somewhere in Provence.

Blondes get a detailed packing list from friends and family now!!


Blonde Moment 138

I was making my payment to American Express. The payment was supposed to be for $130 and I accidently wrote it for a $1030.00.

Blondes hate fees attached to their moments!!

God is Free Y'all!!

The quickest way to make money these days is to open a ministry and teach the Gospel and charge $9.99 or whatever the going rate for God is these days.

My offices are next to the business office of the pastor of a newly formed ministry. The Pastors have no regard for the signs regarding parking, they are arrogant and rude and when you go to there website the only thing they preach is trying to convert more people.
There is no talk of helping communities, or the hungry or the poor...Nope Its just convert, convert, convert...

Oh yah!!! Did I tell you the offices are located in the higher end district in Austin while the church is on the East side smack in the middle of the lower income district.

Why can't they keep their offices with the church..hhhmmmmmm

Half these people who go to this church struggle everyday to put food on the table but these Pastors con the very grocery money out of their hands based on the bible and God's needs. I also tried to find who they serve in the community. Nobody, nothing, Nada...no hunger, no homeless, no charities do they affiliate themselves with what-so-ever.

They say on their website they are a cosmopolitan bible community..
What the hell is that?
They are about as country as country gets..Cosmopolitan on the East side of town..I don't think so...
There is no God in their office except for the one that lives on the dollar bill..

Save your money..God doesn't need it!!! and if you want to spend it..Give directly to the homeless ,the animal shelter, orphanages. Stop giving money in in the name of God..

Give your prayers, give your love but for God's sake stop giving these people money.

Blondes hate con artists that prey on faith!!!


Celebrity Cellulite

How would you like to be followed around and have your picture taken at the most unglamorous times in your life to reveal your cellulite and saggy stuff.
Even more fun..how about having your photos plastered over the internet so people who are bored can find entertainment and amusement at your less than lovely predicament.

...and how disgusting do I feel that I am looking at your photos going "Oh..My..God, that is bad!!"? Actually not very at all and I will tell you why.

As shallow as it is that I feel better about my body looking at others with worse flaws than me..I also came to the conclusion that the photos had other things that made me a little envious. If our focus is redirected to things that really matter in life we would see an entirely different picture.

In the photos..there is an ocean, a beautiful beach, there are lovers, and children, and friends...all the cellulite clad celebs were playing, holding hands, smiling, laughing and enjoying their life...

and the only one who seemed to be bothered by the cellulite and the sags and flab are the hate mongers who posted the comments.

Blondes rather be flawed on the outside than the inside!


Bill the Cow

Bill the Cow never found a smile
difficult to make
Even when times were tough
and everyone hard to take

No acts of kindness
could make him fit in
It did not matter
how nice he had been

Because he was different
they refused to be kind
and to his good nature
they remained blind

Bill always understood
why they carried this thought
It was not hatred for him
only the way they were taught

He had no choice
but change their mind
it takes courage
but that's hard to find

Bill never gave up
no matter the pain
through his fight
equality he would gain

Bill the cow would say:

think what you teach
into tiny ears
for they grow up
and carry on those fears

you are my sister
and you my brother
we really arent that different
Please,lets love each other

You don't have to be blonde to be kind!! Peace y'all

I’m Feeling Fat

And I know squeezing into a size two pushing the size four category isn't going to get me much sympathy. It's the fact that I can't drop the five pounds in three days like I used too. I could blame age but I refuse to admit I am maturing physically. Because I know it's not mental. My Mom is a great teacher of staying young at heart. My Dad too...as a matter of fact...

The other night my Dad was telling me to tale Marcus to a movie, or go out, or do something. Couldn't figure out why until we came home a bit too early...dear God!!

We were locked out of the house, had to keep ringing the doorbell and finally my Dad comes to the door in a towel...

"Oh, my Gah...Dad?!!"
"What.. you were supposed to be away!!"
"Eww..Were going away"

In the car:
Laughing hysterically...

"Yeah it's funny to you; you're separated by a generation, this is going to haunt me"
"No, if you want to be haunted, unlock the chest in their closet"
"Oh my God!!"
"Uh, NO!!"
"I am so grossed out, and you, you are tainted for life, you will need some kind of therapy?!! I know I do"

hysterical laughing
more hysterical laughing

" Do you think its safe to go home now?"
"no, give them more time"
"oh my God, gross"

more laughing

"We should be so lucky..that after more than 40 years of marriage..They still get their groove on"
"Shut up"
" O.K...shutting up...hot wings or BBQ?"
"Good idea, it takes longer"

Blondes shouldn't knock on the door so long!


Blonde Beauty Tip #8

When on a budget and can't afford lip injections but want plumpness for that one special affair..here is your tip.

First ice up your lip until its blue and you can feel nothing..than take a needle and prick your lip a couple of time just underneath the lip where scabbing can't be seen....it will swell and stay for at least two or three days depending on how deep you pricked.

For those who grow weak kneed at the site of blood...I suggest don't look in a mirror. be strong ladies for what is beauty without pain...feel good about yourself that you did not succumb to plastic surgery, you are a beauty warrior who lifts the head high as you head out plumped up and debt free.

If you can wax a bikini line you. you can do this.

Blondes have no boundaries when it comes to beauty!!