
Judice and Dante

Married people will do anything to spice up their life. 

But they are always smart to choose the ones that have no backup.

They choose the one who will never be believed. 

Even the brain surgeon who divorced his wife and married his trailer-trash receptionist thinks his world has value.

Doctor Brains had a giant golf ball coming out if his bald head.

His new gutter wife, shocked that the tumor was benign and learned he would not die, needed to find someone to fuck him so she could continue to live the gold-digger life with money and the shop the boutiques in Austin to launder money.

The deal was with "Blonde Coke Herpes Spinner", who would take care of mutant doctor wile blondie Wynette would shop around ways to cash in her credit card charges at boutiques to get money from the ailing ugly man and then come home and split it with spinner.

and that gold digger and spinner were hooked up with Judice and Dante...

What a Mother fucking perfect hell storm of predators. Male and Female

Wife and Husband 

They all think they are good people but they preyed on the weak. They invited in single women, only to certain parties.

More than happy to share all my texts from each and every one of them on this list I have and hold dear.

Judish and Danish perfect life, and with adopted babies? So cute, but I have the history of the dirty?

Jesus what has it been? 30 years? Where are you =r old cell phones because I have all of mine:)

Yeah Greg, take the Coke back for a Refund!

Thanks Gregory from" Succession", for reminding me of my coke fueled days in Austin, TX.

Raised in a proper home in Virginia, educated in a proper finishing school in North Carolina, and but sadly finding myself in the midst of midwestern lack of decorum!

I never fucked with drugs before I moved to Austin. I made a mistake coming here!

I can't go back in time and fix the fuck that went on here. But, Austin is not cool! You will figure that out son.

Austin is the new Silicon Valley. And why do you need a new Silicon Valley?

Be very careful when someone from Texas says they have a friend! This means, they have an acquaintance that will help them suck money out of you!

I remember my Texas friends wanting coke, and my guy only delivered on Thursday after his soap operas were over and he finished playing in the park with his Shar-Pei pups.

But, if you know how that itch works, my friends wanted it NOW. 

I had already fronted the money for the coke, and when it came in...my so-called friends said they already got some and I was stuck with the merch.

I said, "NO, I fronted money that was supposed to go to my mortgage.". You need to pay up.

They said, "Can't you get a refund? Take it back!" Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?

Coke is not a cashmere sweater you can return to Nordstrom , no questions asked!

Anyhoo, they fucked me in more ways than one.

Not only was a stuck with the coke, I could not make my mortgage payment, and the dominoes just kept tumbling on the penalties and interest.

And not one of those Mother Fuckers gave a shit. They actually distanced themselves from me.

Hard lesson to learn, but every time I see someone snort that shit on a television show, I want to puke. 

I also learned, any person who would fuck you over this bad for coke is not only not your friend, but the worst kind of piece of shit.

Which makes sense that they would be a long time friend of that dick in California who is a predator, and has been his executor on the will since the coke days.

Bravo you sick fucking freaks for sticking together!

P.S. Know what is funny? The digital contents, like your text messages, contact list and calendar data, are untouched and will still be accessible by any user working with your old cell phone. This is the primary reason many of today's smartphones are equipped with remote wipe capabilities, which allow you to remotely erase the device's data in case it is lost or stolen. 

Cell phones from 20 years ago, did not have this capability. The reason why I never let go of my old devices!

For fuck sakes, I still have all my floppy disks and 100 mb zip drives with a certain special cookbook you can't get any more. 

Oh no, of course your dog can piss and shit all over the Zen Garden!

 Fucking neighbors and their god damn dogs. Let them shit and piss in their own yard.

I am fine as long as the owners pick up the dog shit, but I have yet to see one of our new money neighbors carry a doggie shit bag.

The Zen Garden on my Father's Estate cost quite a penny and it was his pride and joy.... so moth balls should make the dogs and dog owners think twice about fucking with it,. That will be my joy!

I watched two of my cats get chewed up in front of me by dogs without a leash. And the only thing the dog owners were concerned about was my litigious nature. There was no sorrow, nor true sadness, nor forgiveness for what their dogs did to my cats lounging on the estate.

I am not that much of an asshole, but ever since these new neighbors coming in from California; I am rethinking my good nature.

Do you ever wonder why cancer is so prevalent in dogs? Think about all the weed killer and bug spray that goes on lawns. And your dog is sniffing at it like nobody's business. 

This is not the part of society that gives two shits about organic fertilizer. They pay for monthly spraying with chemicals to keeps weeds gone and bugs gone.

Dog beware!


Best Buy and LG! Let us KNOW the Power Cord does not come with the Dryer!

Are you fucking kidding me? 

I just bought a $2k LG smart washer and dryer set and the dryer did not come with a power cord. 

You have to pay Best Buy $56 to get the fucking power cord installed on the dryer. Had the description told me that, I would have paid for it. But now I am pissed!

And when a blonde is pissed watch out for tumbling stars on their reviews!

Amazon sells the power cord for $16.

Out of principal, I am going to pay $100 to a review posting farm in India to flood LG and Best Buy with 1 star reviews. 

Look at Best Buy, they know all about these farms, because if you look at the redundant copy on all their reviews, they use them too. And the fact no one bothered to mention a power cord is extra in the reviews...seriously?

Hey Best Buy! Put in the description that the electrical cord is not included!

And the dickhead 3rd party delivery service that I tipped $40, pushed the dryer back and not the washer. The washer was heavier, so fuckers knew what they were doing. 

I am exchanging the dryer as defective because the 3rd screw for the electrical cord was so tight, it could not be loosened. 

God luck getting a tip on this delivery! I really hope it is the dick dudes from last time!

Character Assassination. Dave Portnoy. PENN Stock!

 Dave Portnoy may be aggressive and suck in bed,. I don't give a fuck. BUT I DO!!!

My PENN stock is tanking on this article and the shit being spread.

Business Insider needs a disclaimer for entertainment only and hang their hat next to the National Enquire.

And I would have believed that BI was the dick, but Dave opened up his mouth and played victim, and I heard the sincere words of a predator who is so mentally fucked, he really believes he was the victim.

Obviously, Dave is a predator and treats girls who throw themselves at him like trash, but maybe the Mothers' of these girls should have put some self worth into them.

Something this Blonde knows all too much about! 

I loved Dave and his pizza reviews, and thought I could keep supporting him, but honestly, I can not!

I do not look at him the same way.

I understand the girls more than Dave.

If you read my posts, you will understand...this is not a man to admire and I am willing to take the loss.

Money is easier to lose than self-respect!

Happy to Not have Ancestors who Fucked the Native American Day

 I fucking hate this holiday. Is it always on the same day or the 3rd Thursday of the month? 

I  can never remember, because it is stupid! AND, why the fuck does my family celebrate it?

We didn't show up until the 1920s, signatures on the Ellis Island book proves it. 

We didn't fuck the Native Americans, and if we did - not sure we would be celebrating that shit.

I think we should roast up some old legacy shit:

How about the cancel culture stop fucking with comedians and go after the real pricks like:

Daughters of the Mayflower

How about the National Society Children of the American Colonists?

I am cool with cancel culture going after these bitches: BTW way, inculcate means beat the shit out of your children until they accept the doctrine. I am paraphrasing, but still pretty damn close!

Their motto and creed...

The objects of this Society shall be patriotic and educational: to commemorate deeds of historic interest; to inculcate and foster the love of America and of its institutions by all its residents; to base eligibility to membership upon lineal descent from those men and women who were residents of America when it was under foreign government as colonies and who rendered civil or military service in any American colony prior to 4 July 1776 and to preserve our Colonial heritage.

Basically, you need to be white, British descent.

There are so many societies to go after you pathetic attention seeking 'cancel culture cunts'...just do your homework.

And leave Dave Chappelle the fuck alone!

Yeah, this is how stupid the Gov't was during AIDS! Think anything has changed with Covid?



Who Owns Webull? Fucking China!

I knew this exchange was shit. Their spread is ridiculous, their clearing time to release funds after a trade is ridiculous, their use of Apex to buy Crypto is even more fucking ridiculous!!! But Meet Kevin, Graham Stephan, Andre Jikh, and other YouTube fuckers get over $30k in stocks plugging this asshole exchange on every video, tweet, and whatever the fuck patreon is. 

These pricks also have a Millennial Money YouTube channel in which they talk smack about Robinhood.

They do it because it gets more views, but fuck them. Robinhood has never fucked me over, because I was never part of the AMC short-squeeze, pump and dump.

The fact that there is a safety cap that I have to proverbially twist off on every options trade now because of that dumb mother fucker who killed himself because he Yolo'd on margin without taking the time to learn the game...fuck him. 

Ameritrade sends me blood curdling alerts that I need to settle my margin before I am liquidated, but when I log in, I am far from liquidation. The first few times I panicked, but  since I was learning, I did not bet the farm and so I just called to say "Hey, WTF?" Am I OK?"

So, I hold this Robinhood suicide in the same esteem as the baby that drowned in a bucket with only 4 inches of water while Mum was only 4ft away. Bullshit...that bitch left her kid outside while she was watching TV. And now all of us have to deal with safety lids on our buckets.

It is a terrible thing. And I blame WSB and their constant lambo pots making people feel like shit showing faked photoshop earnings to make other s feel like they are losers.

Is it  not the exchange and trading app responsibility to make sure everyone knows what they are fucking doing before allowing them to piss off their money away in stupid trades?

If you want to be pissed at someone and who really holds the blame, it is the Wall Street Bets burden to bare.

Now you have Youtubers like Clay Trader with a decent following, publishing this day trades  for the week. He knows they will get a pump from his followers. Also he is selling his day trade strategy for 25k ( lump sum) and there are dumbasses actually buying it.

How about Graham Stephen, Meet Kevin, and Andre Jikh who were promoting SHIB and did a high five in the comments for pumping it to where they made millions, leaving their followers who FOMO'd in on their word it will keep gong up and left holding the bag.

Go to any of the aforementioned youtubers and find any mention to SHIB or FLOKI is gone.

But the shilling of Webull is still strong because these tubers make a mint on free stocks anytime someone uses their code.

Webull is a shit platform and all these guy know it! 

Webull is owned by Fumi Technology, a financial analysis firm that offers market trading tools for personal investors. Webull’s customer-facing unit and brokerage wings are located in New York City, however, their technology team is located in Hunan, China.

Webull does not earn commissions on trades but rather makes money via order flow payments, short selling fees, subscriptions, interest paid on margin, as well as investments of cash on balance. A 2018 profile of Webull described their Wall Street office as “a Chinese force in the ‘nerve center’ of the international financial community.” Webull had over eleven million users as of last year and is planning an initial public offering that could raise between $300-$400 million. From April to June of 2020, Webull’s trading volume exploded by 500% and trading accounts grew by 450,000.

As a broker-dealer, Webull collects sensitive, personal information from its clients. That includes Social Security numbers, home addresses, bank accounts, and more. While Webull claims to store user data locally, Webull is still required to adhere to the laws of China.

China's deliberately vague patchwork of intelligence, national security, and cybersecurity laws compel companies to support and cooperate with the government’s intelligence work. With no independent judiciary to review government demands to provide user data or take other actions on the government’s behalf, there is no legal alternative for Chinese companies if they don’t want to comply. There is no independent press to make the situation public. And penalties for non-compliance can include destruction of the firm and long prison sentences.

So I am still in SHIB, it did not need Robinhood or Kraken before and will do just fine with the SHIB ARMY and their strong belief. If you were looking to flip a coin and be an instant lambo owner...those stories are so full of shit and if you believe them, you deserve to lose you money.

SHIB and DOGE are 2 very different tokens. One being a joke, the other an ERC20 token with NFTs and swap. Both have whales, but the good thing about SHIB, not one of the whales is Elon.