
A Bright Sunny Day

Its amazing how your body holds onto stress and exhaustion without you even knowing it. It isn't until you are able to breathe a sigh of relief that you emote like a baby.

Last night, I felt the weight of school and work just drop off of me.

I cried like a baby and tucked myself in and slept all the way through.

Today, I feel like a got a 3 hour massage and face lift.

It would be great if we all had a mirror where we could actually really see ourselves.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a magic mirror on the wall telling you,

"Girlfriend, you are stressing and its showing. All the night cream in the world isn't going to fix that puffy, sad little face with dark circles until you take some time out and breathe."

It would be nice if mood rings worked for real. I bought a bunch for novelty to sell and I love them but unfortunately they only change colors on the climate, not the mood.

Still, we all need some way of figuring out when our bodies are on the red part of rev. We need to stay cool and hang in the yellow part otherwise our motors are going to burn up.

We don't have a magic mirror or an RPM meter but we do have buttons...

Those lovely little hot buttons that seem to set themselves off at a moment notice..

The lovely human meter



Red Hot and full cranky is now launched!!

Unfortunately, the warning is so short we end up flooring it and go full speed ahead to no stopping the rants now.

People may think twitter and personal blogs are a waste of time but I can tell you, they make for great therapy.

Who cares no ones reading or listening. All we need to do is vent sometimes. And its nicer to vent online in a harmless place than grab road rage and scream at an innocent blonde who tried to let you go around her before she looped around to park.

The Blonde has lots of highlights ahead!!


Spring Break

is officially here for me. I finished the last of my classes this evening and its quiet.

It would be nice to have someone here to rest my head upon their chest and curl up on the sofa and watch a movie but, alas, I am alone.

It's surreal in its quietness.

Its a little sad and a little lonely tonight.

The Blonde is rather broken tonight!!

SXSW Austin TX

Hellooooo...I am soooo not....

working while SXSW goes on.

I am not sitting home alone next week.

I am going to SXSW.

I have to go in tidbits since I am not forking over $300 for a badge. $750 if you want the techhie stuff.

I will however fork over $10 for Mel Gibson's 'The Beaver'

and all the other stuff I want to see!

Mumford and Sons

Foo Fighters

The artist who did the Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, etc...record covers at the Blanton!!

Movies, music, and chillin around downtown!!!

The Blonde doesn't need no stinking badge!!!



...is the magic genie lantern for the Chinese looking to rub a few dollars off Americans.

It is a bold in your face, screw you website.

I have tried to order wholesale but you do not get wholesale prices.

And shipping becomes ridiculous.

I tried to order sample suits for my kini shop and the one shop quoted me a fair price on samples but told me the fabric in the pictures was not available.

OK, so I pay fro sub-standard kini fabric.

Then they try to charge $200 for 36 kini samples.

Seriously, did I fall off a rice cart in Hong Kong?!

No, I did not.

I f I pay $200 shipping for 36 kinis, what is my shipping going to be on a mass scale...say 1500 kinis?

I don't need calculus to be a genius on this transaction.

And here is the kicker....

They want me to Western Union or wire transfer the money!!

Bold face Bull-YAa!!!

Yeah, Right?!!

Let me just send you a big fat bonus for finding another idiot in the U.S.


It is not that hard to find them. But you missed and found me.

So, you really wasted my time and I hope, at least, I wasted yours.

You douchinese!!!

Find another sucker.

The Blonde's bottle isn't filled with stupid!!!

La Classe Francaise est Faite

...pour maintentant!!

My french class is on break for the spring and while it is only for a week and a half...I feel elated!!

I have studied my little heart out and I am pulling A's and B's on the quizzes and homework. I have 3 exams that if I work hard through spring break, I will get the A's.

So my margarita and alone time on some sandy tropical isle will be replaced with a tropical screen saver and my $4.99 Cabernet from the local Stop and Shop.

Voila, ce n'est pas probleme!!

I just want to say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

I can see why the kiddos are psyched about spring break...

It is an AHHHHHH moment.

And I am just in AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

The Blonde says its ahhhhhhll gooood!!!


The Quantum of Love

Something I used to blog about all the time has taken a back seat lately but I do have some thoughts to apply to it using algebra.

Take the sum of all his actions and subtract it from the sum of all his words.

If you end up with a positive number, your golden.

If you end up with a negative number, you need to convert that into a division against all the other negative numbers from guys and eventually you will see a losing battle.

I am on an infinity pattern to nowhere with love.

I could add some physics to the equation but that would make things look even more dismal than they already do on Planet Sole.

I have decided to jump ship and float back to reality.

Love sucks, it does not exist, and I am longing for home alone on earth.

I was a thousands leagues under water and drowning in bullshit.

I have bubbled up to the surface and its sandy beaches and margaritas on my own this spring break.

The Blonde is an island!!

I'm Sporting Double Ds

...and not in a good way.

I just scored another D on my french exam. I am two for two on the Ds.

If I were referring to plastic surgery, I would have the prettiest matching pair of double Ds this side of the french quarter.

I have had about all I can take with losing 2 points on my exam for every little missing accent over the e.

Accent grav

Circum flex

Vlah de francais de blah!!!

It isn't that I don't know the rules.

Never two infinitives together!

You can't have aller with a past participle unless your crazy!

'Y' is not a where but a preposition that needs a conjugated verb and in absence of that, place before the infinitive.

How stupid can one be not to understand the rules of french?!

Its so simple!!

Il est facile!!

I think....

Who knows any more.

C'est impossible!

Maybe some English tunes will inspire...

Conductor..a 'D' note please!!

Tutor in the morning, Tutor in the evening...

Tutor at supper time...

la la laaaa

la la

If I can't learn french, I am toast and my law degree is slime!!


la dee da da daaaaaaa!

I would like a life beyond etudier pour francais classe!!!!!

The Blonde is about to F U this course!!


My Car Screams Loser!

I have a 95 jaguar vanden plas that I am not bragging about. The car looks like it got caught in a can opener on the right side and riddled by rubber bullets on the other side.

The trunk paint was fading so I glued a rubber bike matt on to hide the paint fade but it eventually whipped off in the wind and my long haired coon cat used it as a bathing salon one summer leaving fur glued permanently to the trunk hood.

Some days, I can get by not getting upset about the look of this once pretty car but on other days, especially when passing by all the nice new euro cars in the neighborhood, I have to just hold my head up high and act like I don't care just so I wont cry about it.

The one side was completely scraped off by two separate downtown instances involving too small a space and two giant asshole Texas trucks blocking my way.

I hope gas gets to $4 and their giant fuel traps consume mountains of expensive ethanol.


I was going to wash it today but what's the point. All I will do is see more of the disaster under the dirt.

Don't get down
Don't get down
Don't get down....

Oops...too late.
Thanks big yellow ferarri for driving by my car.

Made me feel great, not!

The Blonde is trying not to lose it!