
Kill them with Kindness

I have been selling on Ebay for awhile and I really do love selling something, wrapping it up in pretty paper and sending a little part of me to someone in another neck of the country.

I tried to go international and sold a Dolce and Gabbana skirt to a femme in the Czech Republic. She sent a return notice saying there were holes in the skirt.

I know for a fact there were no holes. It could have happened in transit but now I am stuck giving back a refund including shipping, both ways, just to keep my ranking at 100%.

What I am afraid of is the cultural differences that are applied to selling my ebay wears to someone in the slavic communities as opposed to selling to someone in my home world down south.

The austere email from Oksanana seems to me she isn't going to appreciate my killing her with kindness just to keep my 100% satisfied status no matter how far out of the way I go.

Hopefully she will just not comment.

Cross your fingers.

Or maybe, I am too western world in my thinking and not everyone on the other side of the atlantic or pacific is a douche.

The Blonde is in a Nordstrom state of play!!


Its a Soon Forgotten Holiday

I know exactly when it happened.

I knew the minute I asked.

"May I call him and make him my friend?"

Sure is all he said.

His face said more.

It was our end.


I wanted that end.

Now its here.

I feel it.

It's odd.

I didn't think I would feel anything.

But I do.

I feel a loss.

But its only a feeling... And it will soon die...

Goodbye Stupid Cupid...

Its our last year with bad targets.

I will shoot myself next time.

Happy Valentine's to all those forgotten loves!!


Hidden Deductions and Credits

I have to say for me filing taxes is an easy affair. I go to TurboTax and they walk me through the process like I was playing Candy lane with old friends.

And the fact I am a student making no reportable income, I win the Candy game.

Its really more like winning things back. Like the extra cost my school pads in the bill.

School books, lab, parking, extra large creamy latte foamies!!

And do not tell me coffee is not a huge requirement to get through classes.

Plus, I should get a senior citizen discount in higher education for being the most ancient chick in the class.

On a positive note...I am of consenting age to work with my better looking Professors in private tutoring on Fridays for a better grade.


Grand Uncle Sam has been a pretty good refund Daddy although, he could be a little better but no complaints.

I don't like to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially when its a regift from my own pocket!!

The Blonde feels your filing pain!!!


Valentino Day is Coming

and I had know idea, how expensive card giving has become. I don't mind paying $3 for a card but at least put some thought into what is on the card. One card I picked up had a crudely drawn supposedly sexy femme on the front; quite frankly the arms and legs looked like she was whipping about in a palsey moment.

Anyhoo, and moving on...

the inside of the card simply said, "You know you love me". Stalkers will be shocked to know that this piece of card stock will set them back minus $3.99 for their medication.

And were moving along the isle

To the Whole Food granola crowd; already aware of the high price to keep the world a better and cleaner environment, it will not be a super shocker to learn that their little bamboo blended card will set them back $4.59

You need a little more green for your chubby cherub heart cards to stay in the green zone.

and even further down the half an isle section of happy heart day cards, we finally get to the piece de resistance...


The singing cards. Actually, the one I picked up shouted. The song "You make me Wanna Shout" will make you want to scream for some debt relief at a whopping $6.99.

What did the Blonde pick?

The obnoxious cat cards.


The cards written by cats for their owners. Funny, clever, and a lot of smart ass. For $2.59, how can you pass up a kitchy little kitty saying how idiotic can a human be for buying a card to give themselves but actually its from the cat.

See how how its clever for the cat?

He doesn't have to shop for the card.

I bought four of those.

All in all, I walked out of Target with $30 worth of sweet nothings. Believe me, at 30 smack-a-roos...it was something.

A dent in my change purse but come Valentine's Day, it will be well worth it.

Especially knowing I am the blonde and no matter where I look in the world on Valentine's Day; I know its the men that really get zapped on this holiday.

Don;t get me started on the price of roses!!!

Happy Heart hunting at Halmark!!!


When Life is Poetry

Love is the only thing we can not control.

The Blonde is not alone!!


Aloha Hawaii

AloNo I can't go!!

I and the Commodore were planning our next trip together and I was all set for Hawaii until the dates changed and I had to do the responsible thing and turn down the trip.

I have an exam in french and there are no re-takes on the darn thing.

I guess this is where I begin to think why bother with a long distance relationship. You hardly see the person and they are wide open to find other woman to fill the absence.

Woman that have a nice bank roll either from working or from a nice divorce settlement who have the time to take off for such fun eventures will eventually get my spot.

Me, I am a struggling non-traditional pre-law student without a Gucci handbag to cry into.

If things work out with the Commodore, great..if they don't..well, let's just say, that I am very used to the 'fizzle out' theory in long distance dating.On the bright side; I do have a Louis Vuitton global shopper I found at the pawn shop to carry my woes in for awhile.

But that too will eventually find its way on Ebay to keep my monthly bills paid.

I guess I am throwing this little pity party lately because I spent way too much time looking at the meager efforts of online dating. I have passed the age of popular searches from the penis packing club, no matter how old they are and its just not a sort way to see the reality of the dating world accurately.

I really think the bar scene is coming back for the whole reason that ageism and gold digging have supplied the dating sites with negativity.

I took my profile down awhile ago and have sunk into the belief that its just going to be me from now on.

Its alright; I am looking at the blonde side.

Eventually I will be a lawyer and will have all I need to carry on a lifestyle with some pups hovering around the cougar den!!

I am too old to where a wedding dress anyway!!

Well. back to studying!!

The Blonde says helo-ha backwards!!


A bit about Girlfriends

Girlfriends can be your friend and they can be your worst enemy.

Mine usually fall under the latter.

What I once thought of as advice, now seems more adverse in commentary.

Take for instance Cinderella.

I haven't really had much contact with her in a very long time. We hooked back up after a decade of hiatus on facebook and her antics are still the same.


Have you not matured or changed direction in your friendly advice after all this time?

I post pics of my new beau, of who she knows nothing about, and she simply posts, "You can do better."


How could I possibly do better than a man that really cares for me beyond the simple fact that I am arm candy on his side.

I have been there and done that more than a few, and quite frankly, I was left in the dust when it really counted. This guy 'whom I could do better' would never leave me stranded at the beach without calling someone ASAP to get me out of the sand.

This man, 'whom I could do better' would never, not give me a gift on my birthday because I expected one. As a matter of fact, he would go out of his way to give me a gift, even if no special day occurred.

He would do it simply because he really wants to see me happy.

What kind of friend tells me, I could do better when she has no idea of the plethora of arse I have been susceptible to in the past?

She sees a pic of a handsome man on facebook with me and she reverts to the time we were in high school together.

Always finding fault with someone I really want.

Knowing she doesn't like him, means I am on the right track to being with the man I really should be with.

Thank you for all your advice but this time, I am flying solo.

And when I fly solo, I am always on the right path.

I just didn't realize it until now!!

The Blonde is steering clear of friendly advice!