
My Bike was in a Car Accident

My beloved Trek 7500 with upgraded gear was in a terrible accident today.

After a 26 mile ride in record time, I placed my bike on the rack and headed home. While I was on Mopac just as I hit the bridge before 360, a gust of wind whipped my baby off the rack. Since it was a bridge, there was no shoulder and I couldn't break because of cars behind me...

I had to trail my baby a mile before I could pull over safely.

She is in sad shape. I don't have the heart to put up pictures yet.

Her new pro gel seat is in smithereens.

One of her sleak Bonager rims is warped.

The Shimano gears are f---ed up, I lost my electronic mile counter, and my AIG water bottle from my V.I.P. visit to the U.S. Open was lost along the highway!!

We can rebuild.

We have the technology.

The Blonde will survive!!

My Smart Phone

...won't shut up. I played around with the gadgets on my phone and somehow turned on the voice commands but can't remember what I did to turn it on, so I may turn it off.

I am told in a female frenzy of a voice what time it is at odd times. It has no rhyme or reason. Not hourly or even mid-day, its just random out of the blue telling of time.

She tells me when a call is coming in but I can tell myself by the ring-tone.

My phone tells me I have voice mail although I already have a beep that told me I have it.

Every button I push she repeats out loud what I just did. Its a good thing my phone doesn't dispense tampons so she could announce to the world when I am on a Mother nature week trip.

My phone needs a sexier male voice if it wants to send me little random hints of daytime and that it just went into lock mode.

The Blonde doesn't like talking on her phone!


The Day I Shot Cupid

I am glad to see I am not the only love-aholic on the planet. Seems Jennifer Love Hewitt takes her name to serious literal heights.

I am grabbing my discount version of the book on Amazon.com and I am sure reading Jenny's foibles in love will make mine look like a cakewalk in the park on a glowing spring day. She made some questionable moves regarding her pursuit of men. I personally....

never did a "Say Anything" movie moment with magic markers and poster board but I applaud her enthusiasm for the dramatic.

We all have done some questionable things in the pursuit of love and we should laugh at them. I personally have gone a few extra phone calls and emails past the prime of a broken relationship but it was all in good faith. Its my nature not to give up so easily on love and and I can't sit and feel ashamed at myself for trying a little too hard sometimes.

I have found my place in love and I like where I am at. I have a surprising outcome for second chances just when I thought second chances don't come around.

So to all those lost looking for love and feeling a bit down on the search drag. Keep a chin up, read a little light-hearted literature on the subject and let out a sigh of relief.

Love will come from the most surprising of circumstances. Just commit yourself to love and it will happen.

The Blonde has fallen again!


Butler VS Duke

What a game. I had a hard time deciding who to root for, especially when Butler had the guy with ALS come out to say how proud he was of the team through a letter that was dictated by blinking eyes to his wife and read out loud to the team by her. It really was something!!

Well, the fat lady sang and its over but the game was incredible and the last point with 3 seconds left on the clock probably left Butler stinging a bit. I hope they are still proud of what they accomplished.

I feel pretty accomplished myself these days. I am on the home stretch of school and I am puttering around Dallas for fun times and destiny.

I am bak to believing that fate has already the things in my life stored for me. I thought the psychic was wrong but it turns out, he might just be right.

I think I am on the path that was laid out before me the one time I sat down for a psychic reading along time ago.

I can breathe deep knowing that everything is going to sail me into the exact life with the exact person I was meant to be with.

There is still the chance that my destiny is going to play out and I don;t want to jinx it with any talk of what is going on right now but just know its incredibly awesome and I am superbly pleased.

The Blonde got game!!


Housewives of NYC

I just watched the preview of Kelly Bensimon flirting with the journalist from Playboy. She is so nervous and acts so goofy its almost embarrassing to watch if it were not just as harming as hell.

I think its the first time they show Kelly not being somewhat moronic. Of course I am speaking of her stand on fur. Wearing or not wearing fur has nothing to do with being American. And PETA is totally against fur and fur trade because of the heinous butchering treatment of the animals.

I have a rabbit fur scarf that on occasion I wear. I bought it at a second hand store but still I think about PETA every time I wear it, which is not often, and then I donate to an animal right cause.


Kelly had her pics done for Playboy and yes at 41, its a big deal to be asked but just for the record, a crap load of airbrushing is going on.

I look at Kelly and think her body looks older than 41.

And so to the point.

Don't wear fur unless its faux.


You can tone muscle, you can fix cellulite but sun damage is a forever bitch.


Put down the white wine!!

There is a reason why white wine's nickname is 'ripple'. It ripples the mid section and toxifies the body with more sugar than a can of coke.

Sugar ages the skin almost as badly as sun damage.

The Blonde SPFs on a daily basis.