
And the Oscar Goes To...

The Blonde

for portraying the favorite Aunt. Its a short film, if it were any longer; I would be getting an award for suicidal Aunt.

It is a a shame that you cannot enjoy children without the parent, I would have had a great time without Martha Steuy and her non-stop nagging.

I am almost at the point of wanting to bash my beaten down body between those cell phone talking, menopausal, selfish, arrogant freaks of Motherhood in SUV's and minivans that float obnoxious bumper stickers on their rear window showing me and everyone else who does not give a crap that their precious Suzie is in band, and her baby Tommy is on the football team.

While I love my sister, she is the epitome of everything I can't stand in an older model Mother. During this week, I will go into more detail about the headache and the hives I have had to endure for an entire week of family reunion time.

But for now, I need to stick my head in the oven before they get back from the zoo.

Blondes will never do a sequel!!!


My Favorite Day

Its get drunk, turn up tunes, and pass the rainy grey day away, with fake guitar, fabulous emotions, and crappy thoughts on men.

Today, I was confronted with the fact that one of my gents doesn't sleep with girls that sleep with other guys. But it is perfectly acceptable for him to carry on goose behavior, while tossing the gander to the dark ages.

Who does he think he is kidding?

Yes, he is wealthy...big deal!! So is every man I date!!

Dating men with money is like window shopping. They will parade you around things that you want, but they make it clear, that its not yours...so where is the prize in that?!!

I am a twenty first century biatch and I know the rules of the game...I am not born under 30 years ago and I don't think I want to be. Why would I want to go through another idiot period of believing in the fools that show me around the top of their mountain, only to be marched down it and told I am not worthy.

Guess what?

It is you who is not worthy of me!!

Your so roped up in what you have, that you believe that is all you have to offer.

How sad because you dont even offer that beyond the visual.

I have learned to live with nothing and so your fortune means nothing!!

Go find someone who cares...I will float the cell phone bill.

Leave me alone, please.

I, like the rest of the world sit and look at our wish magazines like Vogue and ultimate real estate catalogs. Its all non-fiction and I, like everyone else, can get lost in all its dreamy glory.

But I wake up and see the truth.

If a man thinks he is the bomb, because he represents the pics from a mag I read in passing, it is beyond my rolling eyes.

Millions of peeps pick up rag mags to see a life they only dream of, even if its a life of turmoil...its a life that affords the famous and wealthy the few days needed to cry and pout at their leisure until they are ready to face the world again. That is what makes the average Joe envious of these made up mag lives...not the money, but the money that affords a break, when your feeling down.

In the real world...you can't sneeze without thinking your retirement has just been staked.

I hurt thinking about the fact that we bailed out the top 10 % while the bottom 90% is so tired in their struggle to pay the bills, that they read the newspaper, as if its another Paris Hilton story, without standing up to the atrocities and persecuting the men responsible for their current situation.

Won't anyone stand up?!

I am beginning to dislike the wealthy for throwing their arrogance in my face. Take your wannabe french biatch attitude with the wigs and stuff it up your pampered arse.

I have been in this dating arena so long, I know all the moves, and bragging about what you have doesn't bring me closer to having what I need, so spare me...please!!

You think because you have money, you automatically win?

If that were the case, all the wealthy and the famous would be in a state of glee, and Barnes and Noble would be short on biographies of the distraught, poor, little, rich me stories that so many surfs love to read.

And Marie Antoinette would have died with her head on!

The Blonde needs a stronger entitlement plaque remover!!!


Kiss And Tell

Never...but I will spill the beans on my trip to Horseshoe Bay for V day.

Horseshoe Bay's Marriott has about as much class and customer service as a snail's shell. The wallpaper and flooring leading into the rooms will make you dizzy, even without the haze of wine. Your better off jet setting to a Mexico Beach.

I talked to several couples that were there for the valentine weekend and they waited 3 hours for dinner. They would have left but since it was a weekend package, they wanted their moneys worth. I don't blame them but I would have left and gone to the yacht club for dinner.

I loved the coziness of the yacht club bar and restaurant, it was the company sharing the bar that made me want to gag. Men, bragging to other men about what they do and how much they make. My theory is, if your alone on Valentines, in the middle of know where and you talk about thousands and not millions...you are nothing to brag about.


My date and I went back to the room for a little 'light reading', and afterward we decided to trail down to the bar and sit outside by the water before going back to our 'reading'. We tried to get someone to help us light the heat lamp, give us matches, and serve us drinks...forget it.

We were on our own.

No apology from management, as a matter of fact, Benji, the manager actually had an attitude and said he talked to several tables and they were fine. What Benji failed to mention is he was hanging with his regulars at the bar and making sure they were taken care of while the rest of the weekend guests, were left thinking they won't make Horseshoe Bay Marriott a second mistake.

I gently walked Benji over to several tables and asked the couples that weren't regulars, how was their stay. One woman grabbed Benji's arm and would not let go until she filled him with all of her complaints. As I walked a way feeling satisfied someone was getting heard, a petite and leathered she devil cronie of Benji's, grabbed my arm and asked who was I?

I told her to kindly remove her claws and that I was the one who was going to make sure the resort lost a star in their rating.

Horseshoe Bay is a great area if you never left Texas, can't afford to leave Texas, or like the Holiday Inn.

Blonde have plenty of lip service!!!



Be My Valentine

What does that mean?

What is it to be someone's valentine if you are going to sit at home alone on Valentine weekend?

St. Valentine was persecuted and executed because he would not turn on his religion. How that ended up into a holiday of little love cards with hearts on them, I will never know.

Suddenly, I am hit with a bit of melancholy.

Thank you, Hallmark, for reminding me what a loser I am for not having a significant other. Do you have a sympathy card for those of us alone on your paper thin heart's holiday?

I don't even think I made the FTD list for conciliatory bouquets this year. In the past I was inindated with flowers from gents interested in keeping me on the line without any real intention of hooking me in for more than a novelty relationship.

This year I am down graded to emails saying, "Miss you, Be my Valentine."




I guess I will be ordering in romantic movies from Netflix and cuddling up in bed with my cat, letting the festivities of this romantic holiday pass me by, again.


The Blonde has an aching heart!!