
Maximum Effort

I went in search today for the perfect little Maxi (floor length summer dress) and designer flip flops for my summer trip to the South of France.

I finally found two of the most perfect dresses at Neiman's Last Call.


I love getting a $450 dress for $120. Even better getting two at that price!! The great thing about the new maxi dress is that it is floor length which will aid in hiding my white collar legs from the crowd at Grov tonight.

A summer tan can not be properly maintained just on weekends and I am faded out by the flouresents by the end of the week...

Im a cracker :(

A bumpy white Saltine!

Barely toasted!

But the loss of tan, lack of boating, and the many, many margaritas that were not consumed to win a bet with my Father has finally paid off!!

I faced the challenge and I won. As of the end of this week I can proudly say I kept an office job for one year and proved to El Pappa, for once and for all, that I am honestly happier being a poor writer over that of a successful business woman.

I can see him shaking his head in disgust as he views my decision as a total lack of responsibility and when am I going to grow up..blah, blah, blah...

Pay up Daddy, you lost the bet and I will need the money for New York!!

I am taking a big bite out of the apple and making a sweet, sweet life with love, literature, and the pursuit of fabulous dresses at Filene's basement!!

Blondes know where their priority lies!!


The is Match Over!!

Not that I am keeping score but as I was shutting down my profile I couldn't help but reflect on my numbers

30 Days
177 winks
394 emails
143 I didn't read
64 returned


8 men transferred to my regular email
6 have my phone number
4 didn't make it
3 became friends
2 are still a possibility

and the rest is history...

at least for finding love on the internet...

I think next time, if after all this trouble I am alone, I will pluck the plant from the old fashion root and find him in a bar or join a gym and run the treadmill in my spandex. Its just as much work but with the benefit of staying tone.

So for my holiday away from dating I am going to finish the articles my publishers keep screaming about, lay by the pool, scour the internet for a 3 month sublet in NYC
and plan for my August get-away!!




if the stars are aligned properly

in the sky

one of those felly's with my celly

will become beau bonded!!

Blondes are romantically inclined on holiday!!

Blonde Moment 379

If you don't hear from me for awhile it will be because of my new digs in Guantanamo Bay.

I made the mistake of trolling for some freelance work when I stumbled upon a 'European' fashion designer about to launch a new collection in Houston and Dallas.

So I send her my pics and stats and I get an email back:

I am also a political activist. I need to know you don't have a problem with me being anti-Bush!

Umm...OK..designers are weird, so whatever.

I am not a fan of the past administration either.

Excellent. Let me tell you...

She sends me an email with her site's link which happens to be anti-Bush, war criminal hate monger web spewed stuff. There is no fashion I can find on her site and I am thinking to myself:

Where are the clothes?

Uh Oh!!


Just great!!

I am now on a VIP list with backstage passes through Homeland Security because of this lying wench.

Politics and religion are not my bag, baby. Prada, Gucci, Chanel...they are the bags I carry!!

I am traveling this summer. I don't need the headache of being flagged for special searches. I can't get my conditioner in 3.5 oz bottles.


Blondes hate having their luggage swiped by security!!


Kiss and Tell

I tried to fit back to back dates last night but I should have known it wasn’t going to end well. Karma is always around the corner lurking behind my Blonde shadow, waiting to jump out and break a key in my ignition to teach me a lesson in looking for love.

The problem is having too much fun on the first date that you lose track of time and can’t make the second date. Then justifying the cancellation of the ladder date because he was logistically wrong. I could never commit to anyone in South Austin no matter how fine he was.

And as much as I loved hanging with the first guy, I don’t see him quite right either because of his nightly lifestyle. I just can’t fall for sofa time with someone that is into the club scene and has no desire to settle down anytime soon.

I find downtown clubs a bit incestuous and I am convinced if you slept with one you slept with them all and how safe can that be knowing there is a 1-5 chance you might catch something.


I am more along the lines of dinner parties and small gatherings in my home with my boyfriend instead of going to some chaotic nightclub where the sole purpose of those flashing lights and extra liquor a bartender pours into a girls drink lends hand to confusion on a tipsy mind and eventually lands some of those girls into a strangers bed in the wee hours of the morning.

Not my style!!

Plus my downtown guy,while logistically alright, and great fun didn’t kiss the way I like.

It was like trying to land a hummingbird on my lip
All this fluttering.

His head did fancier moves than Mohamed Ali's foot work.

You can’t kiss right!

Let me try again?



No. When did I become the Dali Lama of kissing?

Why do I have to enlighten you on the ways of tongue and lip mojo if I am not going to be with you?

I am not a kissing guru. How do I know there aren’t tons of women who love to be kissed with the motions of a flapping bat?

Who am I to judge?

Blondes just know what they like!!


Not Another Blonde Moment!!!

Miss USA 2008

Miss USA 2007

Brunettie Betties sat on a wall
Brunettie Betties had a great fall...

and the Blonde had fun chuckling at it all.

Importance of Being Earnest...

or at least the importance of using proper table manners as a way to get the date off to a good solid start.

I happened to be in Chicago this weekend for a writers workshop at Second City. While I was there I wanted to play around downtown. Shopping and running around the beach are not occasions where a play date is absolutely necessary but for dinner, I require company.

Its far too depressing to think I would have to eat alone, ordering room service while I am trying to enjoy a new city.

Alas, I chose poorly and was stuck with a bafoon. I was sitting literally across from a neo-paleontological humanoid who wouldn't use manners even if I cracked his cromagnum sized brain with a cave stick.

Apparently, driving a Maserati gives this phleeb a license to put his foot on the bench of the booth, be a bit arrogant to others, and talk about double D's being his preferred size but that I would do.


DO, what you freak?!!

Check pleez!!!

He was insulted that I couldn't understand his words through the half chomped bites of steak in his mouth.



Aren't you listening to me?!

No, I actually tuned you out after the part about Barbie dolls and the fact that I am now mesmerized by the part of potato that left your mouth at warp speed and lodged itself in between the crevices on the stem of your water goblet.

I am sorry but if you have failed to master the simple task of proper eating habits. I can just assume, if we found ourselves in some sort of shared living arrangement, you would find it with in your comfort zone to speak to me whilst on the lu or try to grab my arse in public.

We don't do that!!


Nor do we talk with our mouths full!!

..and if you thought I was finished...

OH NO!!!

You would think that it wasn't necessary to specify in your conversation that smoking Mary Jane while driving me back to the Westin would be another no-no!!

But apparently, again, quite in the comfort zone of this guy!!

In a moment of this type of desperation, a stinky mini-van taxi would have felt like a Bentley.

Disgusted and maybe somewhat stoned, I found a new fondness for room-service. Run a hot tub, order a bottle of wine, put on the stereo, listen to Billy Holiday sing you the blues all the while smiling because you just made it to he-- and back without a scratch.

Thank Gah!!

Blondes don't befriend beasts of burdens!!


Politics and Port-a-Potties

both stink.....

I slept with all the candidates after each one promised to be the best lay I ever had.




Hillary sucked at oral

John had no rhythm


Barack didn't know what to do with his hands

No way I am getting an orgasm out of any of these guys. The only way for this Blonde to achieve a political climax is to put fresh batteries in a vibrator and call it a day!!

So why on earth would I want to end my evening talking about a bunch of bad lays.

I have more important issues to deal with in this country, such as getting a bill passed that port-a-potties at live music venues should be required to have hand sanitizer!!

Blondes wash their hands of the whole affair!!!


Another Blonde's Moment

Bad Blonde Joke