
After Midnight

And the 4th of July is over.

I did not want to take away the celebration with my silly thoughts.

But, my blog is my savior because I have no one I trust to talk to.

My blog and animals are the only things I believe in these days; exception being my son but I would never burden him with more than he needs to know.

He has his own life to live and I will never make him my crutch.

I really hate parents that lean on children. We should be their rock; not the other way around.


I am leaving soon.

And I want to get as much random shit in as I can.

I will have to leave behind my cats, my son, my things, my life.

I am going somewhere new and I am going alone.

And I am angry that everyone else gets to stay here.

I want to stay here but I know I have to go.

Its fate.

And its time.

My path is paved and I was silly to think I could change it.

I am going where I am supposed to go.

I was hoping to stay but no matter what I tried...

it was never going to be.

Life is 80% your deal

and fate owning the other 20% of what yu wish you could deal with better.

But alas..


FATE has no math skills and its a stubborn bitch who wins just because...


Understanding fate owns you ass even if you busted it to get away causes some ripple that will cause you to be mean to everyone.

And everyone your mean..totally deserves it!

On the fuller side of the empty glass....

Its funny who I think about these days.

I think about all the famous guys I never went to bed with but had the opportunity to.

I think about all the guys I did go to bed with but had the opportunity to say no.

I never slept with anyone I truly was in love with.

I never had that courage.

I know why the men I dated treated me the way that they did.

I would have done the same.

That is why I push them to find real love and know they never will.

We are drawn to the same species.

The Blonde is specie catagoria...Damagia Brokentalia


A Man Like Me

A Blonde has connections!


Reversing Aged Skin

I can't help you with reversing age...

No one can.

They can botox, tuck, laser and do whatever to make you look better but they can't turn back the clock.

And my secret won't either.


I can promise you my secret ( not really a secret if your super smart in common sense area) can almost stop the clock on your epidermis and preserve what you have for a very long time.

I will give you two more clues and then I am done helping you.

1. Pompeii

2. Tar Pits

If you can't figure it out from these clues...

The Blonde won't help you!

I Have the Secret to Youth

Its a simple and silly remedy.

It is not hocus pocus and not something I can get rich off of because it is readily available.

It is so stupid silly...it reminds me of the story about a truck caught under a bridge.

All the experts thought the issue over and none of them could solve it.

It took a young boy with no expertise to ask why they just didn't let the air out of the tires.

Slowing down the aging process is as easy as letting the air out of that truck's tires.

I will give you a few hints.

Imagine yourself as a tree.

Trees are the oldest living being...

Being as in entity not as in human being...

Think of a tree...

What makes a tree sick?

What makes a tree weak?

What makes a tree die?

What makes everything weak?

What makes everything die?


A host that consumes more from its life source than the life source can provide.

You and I are a tree.

We are an organism that millions and millions of tiny hosts feed off of everyday.

If you put your skin under a microscope with a thousand times the power to see the milliscopic bugs that feed off of us...

You will see why you age from the outside in.

All you need is the secret to killing the host that feeds on you.

And I have that secret.

I found it on a sebatical dealing with my own mortality.

I am sure you think a sales pitch is coming, but its not.

I can make you stay the way you look now until you die.

And I can tell you, its not more than $7 for a month's supply.

What I can't tell you, is if I am going to share this info.

I am in hate mode.

Isolation mode.

While I can cure aging on the outside.

I can't cure dying on the inside.


I might just want to bury myself with this stupid, silly, easy, make me laugh how stupid the science community is; or how devious they are to keep it from you just to rake in the mega billions on an anti aging cosmetic farce campaign; simply because I am angry at my demise.

I will be kind enough to give you


Giant freaking hint:

Your the host!!

Billions of microscopic organisms are depleting your system...

What do you need to stop them?

Oh my GOD..its so easy..

The Blonde wants to scream!!

Dead Blonde Walking

I am not sure if I want to burn out or fade away...

I am still working that one out.

Should I crash some hotel room with a psuedo rock star?

I could stage a mock scene from Sid Vicious' days and than silently go about my end.


I could hide out behind the gates like Bridgette Bardot and no one would be the wiser unless a fancy news show picked it up from Reuters.

One thing is for sure.

Fantasy death is far more fun than the reality of one.

Well, hell...

The Blonde gets tired quickly...