
Being the Better Person

is so over rated...

I have been the better person for so long that I forgot I deserve better.

Raine in New York...

Augusto in Texas...

Mr Michigan....

The Captain...


and Houston geriatrics...

Are you kidding me?

I could pick you apart one by one and mutilate you by word on my blog but I don;t need do that.

I just need to acknowledge that I am dying.

I am dying!!

44 years on this earth and not one man ever gave me an ounce of love or trust.

And if you think I am carrying forth any unfinished business in the next life?

You do not know me.

I am settling the score this year.

Each and every one of you sad suckers are going to be held accountable.

I am going into the next life on a clean slate.

I would like to give out a special shout to a man that is dead but his children still profit from him.

A mobster!!

A low level, money laundering, under age video taping profiteer who liked to fondle his daughter's friends while he was drunk.

I hope hell has a particularly hot spot for you.

A second shout out to Raine... you shaky handed alcoholic who is way out of his competition's league...Johnny Boy from Georgia will always be better than you!

And a third special hallelujah to Augusto...6 years of loyalty and trust on my end...and nothing but lies and broken promises on your end...

May the chips fall hard on you...

and everyone who took without giving back!

Micky, Freddy, Reny, Herb... you are all Humpty Dumpty and about to fall!!

The Blonde lost her mercy!

Father's Day

No Buffet at the club

No recognition at the church service

A card

A call

A simple day

that is all

A roof

a wife

a home

a life

your children

your grandchildren

your legacy

It is all here

To wrap your life up in one day

how could we?

You are our pillar of salt

our wounded soldier

our sad young boy

just trying to get by


Sweet Daddy Pie...

So what will one day do to make a difference?

Happy Forever from the Blonde in the back of the Mustang!!


Cat Got MY Tongue

When do I get to scream what really happened and started it all?

Not tonight...

My cat Sophie jumped up on the desk and laid on my keyboard.

After 20 years of loving her, she never made this kind of move.

I will hold my screams.

I will hold my anger.

I will hold my vocals on the hurt and why I hate this fucking world.

For you Sophie.....

The Blonde will hold her tongue!!


War On Women

The GOP does not have it out for women; they have it out for everyone.

But to lower yourself to the level of ridiculousness of the GOP and try to cover it by saying its a 'War on Women', is horse manure.

I am not levying the idiots name on this blog but the femme fatale lawmaker from Michigan should be tarred and feathered for taking the podium in the name of women.

How dare she say the stupid rant she did and try to cover it up with her assinine excuse by saying the word 'vagina' is anatomically correct. Sure it is and if your a biology professor teaching anatomy, I say go for it.

But to use it for shock value in a statement that makes absolutely no sense to the issue at hand; I say you might as well used a more flavorful word!

To make an outrageous statement that you are flattered by the attention your vagina is getting to float your rhetoric on abortion rights just took away the attention from the rights of women and placed 3 days of media hype on your usage of vagina.

And to say "No means No" .....UGHHH!!

Maybe you were not privy to the orginial content of that slogan but its meant for date rape victims and to try and recycle it in your sad attempt to speak about abortion rights makes me want to trade in my VAGINA for a baseball bat and knock some sense into you.

No means NO to what?

Aborton or your attention grabbing vagina?!

Its not just the GOP who have gone off their rocker; its the whole establishment.

They are spoiled rotten children playing on our tax dollars.

The Blonde will vote when we clean out the trash!


Some Things Look Better with Age

You are not alone Tom.

With grace and humility we grow to be beautiful beyond our youth!

The Blonde is on your side!!