
Oh Beth

The very first rock band song I heard; it was the backside of my older sisters 45 and to this day...the best song ever!!

Too Much Love Will Kill You Everytime

goda dei miei amici!!

Its been a bad day, let music lift us up!!!

The Blonde's heart is in Norway!!!


The Breast Feeding Babydoll

Maybe I have a perverted mind but I can't help but think of other places someone might place the magnetic bra and have the baby doll sucking on some unsavory body parts...

If I can think this creatively, imagine little Johnny stealing the baby doll and bra
from baby sister and wanking his little tiddley tot with the sucking mechanical mouth.

but than again, I grew up with the baby doll with the magic disappearing milk bottle.

Think how many pedophiles logged on to youtube to watch an 8 year old put on a bra and play Mommie.

On another note, the chick who breast feeds 4 year old Ari in the park is not only gross its unnatural and someone needs to have a serious talk with reaching healthy boundaries in the maturing of their chi...hii..ii..ld..!!

When they have teeth and can walk, yu need to loose the tit Mother.

I thought my cat's crusty hairball was gross but this apparently beat it by 30% gross factor.

breast feeding is natural to the Mother and child but, even I, as a woman am not comfortable with a strange woman's tit dangling while calling for little Betty to come hither at my local Starbucks.

The Blonde is not into new age rugrat rearing!!

80% is What You Do

20% is what fate has in store for you.

I am suffering a few minor setbacks when it comes to playing catch up and saving for my university future.

80% is what I can handle, what happens or does not happen because of me.

Then there is the pesky 20% - no matter how hard I apply myself, no matter how hard I try to get where I am going - a mile long road block hits and I am stuck.

Faced with having to turn around and find another way.

I could be unconventional and go off the beaten path and work in camouflage hiding myself from that 20% fate but it will soon catch up with me.

So what is a Blonde to do?

Watch sappy John Hughes films today, wash the crusted hairball off my duvet, play virtual host to HCG protocol confused...

and keep on...

keeping on!!

Its too damn hot to push through that road blocks today, anyway.

The Blonde is 100% glad its Friday!!


Unattainable Dreams

How many times can I be lead up a mountain, to be shown everything I want and work so hard to get...

"Here, here is your dream, laid out for you. Try to reach out and grab it."

And just as a reach out to grab it with all my might,

A gust of my reality whips up under my feet and thrusts me back down the mountain.

How many times must i be told by the powers that be...

I can't have it, no matter how hard I try.

When do I break?

When do I say...

Enough is enough!

1 year?

5 years?

10 years?

Am I cursed?

If this life is only a lesson to learn from a past life than I am done.

I don't feel it really should continue.

There is karmic retribution for past sins and than there is just fucking abuse by the Gods.

I am going to keep beating down the doors until I have exhausted everything.

But I do feel its totally acceptable to cash in my lessons and move on to another life within 5 years of this one.

Its a date with destiny...

5 years from now on my birthday...if life keeps handing me raw deals...

I will know I tried my hardest and will have no regrets to carry with me in the next life.

Surviving a life is not a life worth living!!

The BLonde will set her own agenda!