

Thanks for the fave, you were the only hit, but as you can read or about to begin to read,

The men I have had the unfortunate circumstance of dating have burnt the last bit of anything good I might have had in me.

I am sure you are a great guy but I am no longer a great chick to deal with.

And no offense, but are you kidding?

Me in Ohio?

The women would have me black-balled, tarred, and feathered before I stepped a foot into your house.



I am just buying time in law school....

How can I possibly be an attorney when I hate the clothes I would have to wear in court...

there is no such thing as a sexy suit...

and even if there were...

My expiration date is marked.

I turned sour!!

The Blonde has no high on anything!

Life As I Know It

isn't worth a life at all.

I do believe in reincarnation. After taking physics, you learn that life, a person, is energy and energy does not die. It goes somewhere.

Energy will never be more nor less than what it is...so for everyone that dies, something lives.

I am ready to live another life. This one really has not panned out.

I am playing gout a false facade of school, men, and one day having something.

It is never going to happen.

At my age, I am all but done with hope. I just want to be able to pass on my journals of 30 years so maybe, one day, some one can understand that sometimes, you just can't fix broken.

No matter how hard I laugh and smile and try to work this world out, I just can't do it any more.

Nothing is funny any more, not even the douche bags I date.

Its all just a hopeless comedy that would be better sold when I am gone.

So sit back and enjoy the tragedy and comedy of 30 some odd years of my life.

If I were manic, I could have these journals up in a month but I am just your average moth in the the yellow light taking awhile to burn out.

The Blonde has only so much to live for!

I Am Fuccked

I have been living a long time and nothing seems to improve.

I am done, I am tired, I want to leave, leave, leave....

I didn't have a great start and its not going to be a great ending...

I have only one reason to be here and once he is safe and on his own away from this place...

I can leave with my furry assed jag and go!!

The Blonde is done!!

Yes its a rant on wine but I have had many that you do not see but since I have nothing to lose and nothing to gain in this life, I am not deleting anything any more.

You will get the real to the end!


No More Raine

I booted Raine off of Facebook.

Not that is saying much since these days I don't play on FB. I am too much of a social outcast to feel like I belong. Twitter is so much more my style.


Back to the Raine. I booted him and everyone else that was a "friend". I love the creativity in his definition of friend. Its basically, a booty call on their cell's Rolodex and when they are feeling a little tickle in their turkey neck below, the fumble for the long distance dial to my phone when he isn't feeling the passion from his steady.

Other than that, I never hear from him.

Probably becuase he is busy with the steady in Cabo.

Which leads me to why I booted him from the blonde realm.

Cabo...a place I have never been invited to. I do not know why since we have been "friends" for six odd years.

Maybe his girlfriend wont think I am really a "friend"?

I suspect she is not familiar with Raine's specific definition of "friend" in the femme form.


I didn't mind before going to New York for a few days and hanging out as a "friend" and I probably would have continued to do that until law school started but Raine made a fatal error.

He came to Austin and booked a one night in $99 Hampton Inn downtown as if I was some cheap hooker for the night!

He gets the gold plated douche award for this play.

This is where pissed off comes into action.

Don't come to my town, rent a cheap hotel downtown and expect me to be happy about your visit when I know your girlfriend "with an understanding" is getting caviar, Cabo and a condo...

on the beach!!!

I am so turned off by that one act, that when I went to kiss him good-bye as I tried to knock him to the airport curve.... my skin felt like crawling out from under my blonde.

Uckkk....so done!

A blonde is never going to allow that behavior more than once and consider it a faux pas. Second chances are never an option for this kind of hustle.

Like my natal chart says...

I hold onto men way too long and I think its time to start spring cleaning.

No more Raine to piss on my NY or Austin garden.

The Blonde is not a wet rag!


Going for the Zodiac

Everyone who has had a tough go at relationships is always looking for a better way to pick and choose the next one.

I am no different. I have tried going in the exact opposite direction of what I once picked, I tired praying, and even contemplated follow9ng in the Captain's foot steps and hit the past life theory but I have enough in this life.

I do not need to add a few more of my lives to the stress bowl.

Oc course its only natural that I am going to try astrology to pick a new partner. You can get your natal chart online just by adding your birthday and exact time of birth. Its surprisingly accurate in describing who I am...good and bad.

And, if it can give me a clear written objective view of my personality, why not the next mate?

It can't possibly do any worse than I have done.

No harm, no foul, just an interesting new thing to try.

I do find a little hypocrisy in this horoscope thing. While its alright for a blonde chick to play around with this as a novelty, it would be a little creepy to find a guy who was into astrology.

I like that.

I finally found a double standard where it applies to this side of the femme line.

Atrology: women can and the men I date... can't!!

The Blonde is checking the signs!!