
When do you know?

When do you know that l0ve is real and you should fall?

Remember when we were seventeen and the world dropped at our feet at the thought of love?

We hung on the phone for hours with only fifteen minutes of conversation and the rest filled with dead air and a simple satisfaction that we were together, even if we weren't.

We would dangle the ear piece while we watched the tele, or did our nails, or used magic marker to script up our school spiral notebook cover with 'love me hearts' announcing the name of our beloved.

At this age, do we get that anymore?

We may not have the spiral notebook but we have the emails from the very first communication to print out and hold in our jewelry box.

Some things for a women, Blondes included, never change....the jewelry box with little mementos of lovers will forever more carry us to our grave.

I have held on to every single florist card, bracelet, concert ticket, even fortunes from a ccokie left over from a shared Chinese dinner.

For me, true love is willing to empty that box of memories so I can fill it with new ones...

and a brand new wardrobe!!

Blondes like falling in love with new ideas!!

The Loss

Last night's Redskin loss to the Cowboys has killed any hope I might have had that my team would finally get to go to the Superbowl again!!

The Blonde needs a day of silence!!



is being in Dallas to watch my beloved Redskins play the Cowboys.

Duh, I know the game is in D.C.

Didn't I say it was ironic!!

I am not that Blonde.

OK, I am but its really just irony this time!!


I don't know who is going to win, but at the moment my team has kept a small lead for most of the game. However, as positive as I am, I still lose faith for mini-seconds and I need a distraction to cool my negative thoughts which might have the potential to jinx my boys.

I am crossing my fingers!!

Did I mention, the new coach is a cutie!!

Again, Anyhoo,

While I sit here waiting through the nonexistent half time show of Bruce and his new album, I thought it would be a great time to introduce my ungrateful, unloving cats that haven't once called to see how I am doing.

Twinkie eating, trailer park beauty feline....Miss Sophie

The book end cats....Crackhead and Lela

I would include a photo of Gustaf Vladimir cat, but I have not gotten permission from his agent and he would sue my arse for copyright infringement. I really should stop feeding him...he is not a nice kitty!!

Blondes heard pets help with stress....Go Skins!!


Fake Guitar

similar to air guitar only you have the instrument but even less the ability to play

but when I am on top of the world, only one thing can help me scream my elation

and that is me strumming my guitar

only its different this time
after the world wind romance I just experienced

I realize anything is possible

including me finally learning how to play my Black Betty properly.

Blondes suddenly hear music everywhere!!


I Love Austin

but I am a big city girl!!

Dallas will soon be my new second home or maybe my first (time will tell where I hang longer but I think I know), cross my fingers and hope I don't screw anything up.

I would like to be less superficial and say my move is based solely on the thought of falling in love with a man but baby, the Galleria stole my heart first.

I was like a big kid in a new candy store. I wanted everything!!

Its a good thing I cut up my cards, long before this shopping spree, because I would have been in serious debt denial just for the boots and handbags alone.

The decedant ecenomic stimulation that was going on between my wallet and the Armani store would leave Palin in the dust with her GOP lending closet.

I am a slut for clothes. It is my crack. My addiction to style and looking good fed by every wonderful inch of the Galleria has fed my need that I can not leave it, not even if you promised me speed bumps in Westlake to stop the Bambi roadkill I have endured on a weekly basis.

I love you Austin, I truly do but you lack two things I truly need right now...

The love of a good man...

and the love of every salesperson in the designer stores in the Galleria.

The Blonde is finding her place in this world!!