
Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again

I sit not funny that I think of myself as the egg...and that I think of Augusto as Puss in Boots...

I am watching the children's movie and its ridiculous how comical the level of reality it portrays of me and my Augusto!

I am almost ready to tattoo Humpty Dumpty on my neck and Puss and Boots on my tail bone.

Life mimics art.
Art mimics life.

Who knows any more?

I only ever truly loved a few men....

and if I had to choose among them....I could not....

The Blonde has only memories now!

She will not waste them on the bad ones!


I Am Weary

I am about to snap under the pressure of it all. Not snap in the way of doing anything crazy...just snap..

into an OOPS again kind of, sort of, way!!

Only those who have been through it, know what I am talking about.

I was going to lay down quietly and die off and be the internet martyr for all the tyranny we live under because of the 1%.

I watched a show about the billions of dollars, IN CASH, sent to Iraq...and no surprise it all disappeared.

Name blaming. Finger pointing. And pretending they are working hard at finding it when we know they are getting paid more to not find what happened to it.

I am still sick and the cost of care is beyond reproach. I have looked into medical tours offered by Costa Rica. And quite frankly, I would rather my money go to a country that is number one in environmental responsibility.

I am after all a fighter.

On the internet and in real life.

I could lay down but that would make it easy for Mitt Romney and the right wing Republicans.

So deal with us poor and ill you fucks!!!

Cuz the Texas Blonde  ain't in her grave yet!!!

Actually she is, sort of...this is an old post I found locked up in blogger limbo like my life.

I assume the politicians have changed but not the politics.

Who ever gives a shit about poor folk?


Selfish People

Selfish people will not help anyone that might be a blip in their harmonious lives.

They buy new cars, add a pool to their backyard and call their family only when they are bored and need to kill time while they drive to their destinations.

And they consider this being attentive to their family. And at the end, they will hold out their hand and expect their part of the pie in the will.

And not once do they acknowledge the depth of commitment and care that another family member provides.

Why would they?

They have never stuck around long enough to witness what extent that person goes through to care for family.

They are happily oblivious to the nature of care that is needed until the very end. They will come rushing up against the side of the death bed and  boo hoo...

And that will satisfy their guilt when the will is read.

Selfish greedy people make the Blonde deathly ill.


Our Oceans Are Full of Buried Treasure

Apparently I do not have to go off to international waters. I just need to be 3 miles off shore and weighted properly to sink in 600 ft of water. And no funeral director is required. No casket is required. Just a dead body with a toe tag and some decent cement shoes.

Bonus for me on the charter boat and and dingy mark. I can just wait to die on the boat and be dropped mafia style 600 ft below.

Please God let it not be off the shores of the ugliest beach in the world known as the Gulf Coast.


The Blonde is resting at peace right now because she saved a bundle on burial costs!

A Big Year

It can all be yours one day but you have to fight for it.

The Blonde hopes you get it all!!!