

Open your music mind man...

There is so much more than the limits on Pandora and Sirius...

The Blonde is here to help you!!!

Don't String Me Along

I am seasoned and inducted into the Hall of Fame of Best Date Ever!

Are you an idiot?

I know every dating nuance there is known to man.

When a man hits heavy and hard with living together before meeting me..I know that fizzles out quicker than the bubbles on a warm soda popped open and then refrigerated.

You left me with a fare to no where because the fantasy picture you painted in your head was tainted by reality?

I have been calling you without reciprocation on your part all of the sudden...

And as if you think I have a learning disability, you bragged about dates you had for the weekend?

Now correct me if I am wrong...but I think its not very gentlemanly to have a girl fork over money for a ticket and you continue to date on weekends.

At least hold off on the cattle drive until the chick comes...

to your city and than if it is a no go...

By all means

go for the gusto


I have not met you...why would I care?

The minute you spilled the beans on issues with your Mother...I knew...

find another plan girlfriend

and I have!!!

The Blonde hasn't been a newbie since she was 17!!!


Sorry About the Dittos

I have no idea why I have multiple dittos of blogs...its been corrected but

The Blonde should log out after posting!

I'm Losing It

No seriously, I have got to get out and mix among life again.

I have a trip in the beginning of April to the east coast and hopefully things will work and I can stay awhile. I need Manhattan right now. I need it loud and busy and full of things to do.

Austin has become a 6 mile radius of life for me. I rarely go out and if I do, it just to the store.
I barely no my friends any more.

Basically I have been pouting because my life has not gone right for awhile. After being laid off my job in December right before x-mas was harsh and the reality moving out of my parent's abode delayed has sunk me to submarine life.

I realize moving is only going to happen if someone offers a room-mate situation. Going to school and the jobs available while I go to school can't afford the rent that is being charged these days...in any town.

I am hovering and lingering over the mistakes I made about my past and realize you can;t change any of it. The problem is, those mistakes have effected my present for a long time and may have altered a great future..

IF I let it...

but I won;t. I am going to get up one more time and try all over again.

A change of scenery and getting away from all the reminders-even if its temporary-is very much needed.

The Blonde needs to gather up!!


I Didn't Forget I am not In Love Anymore

...so don't you ever send me a picture of you again.

How dare?

On what planet do you live on that its OK to burn me and my life to ashes and than think I would ever want you back?


Because I am still struggling with surviving after all you took...

I know you know that

And I know that is why you think I might want you back..

News Flash...

I don't

I do mind poverty but I am not alone...

I am not the only one struggling...

Money was never what I was about...

I like it, I want it, but I would never love a man for it...

You forgot why I loved you...

Or did you ever know why I loved you...

its confusing for you old gents...


Remember me

and this....

I would rather walk on coals through a gallows of hell gleaming ear to ear knowing you will never


have the luxury of seeing me again!!

The Blonde will now bow and curtain close!!