

I am puffy this week..

and I love it because it means my boobs are bigger.

I love holding them feeling the heftiness of them.

Next week they will be gone. Bummer.

If you happen to see my holding them and looking at them, and squeezing them to make cleavage. Don't judge me!! I am getting in touch with my masculine side.

I can see why men love them so much. They are kind of like a stress release ball.

Squeeze and play with them for awhile and you forget your at work!

Maybe I should get a pair to play with all the time?!!


Blondes love squishy things!!

Blonde begets Blonde

If you wonder where my Blonde comes from..its hereditary on my Mother's side.

Just the other night I let her read the blog about the popsicles.
My Mother was completely oblivious to the sexual undertones.

"Cherry popsicle? What does a man know? Cherry is too acidic. How silly!"

"Right? Grape is better don't you think Mother?"

"Oh darling, yes grape is good but whipped cream would be even better. More soothing."

"Your right Mother, whip cream would be better."

Why didn't I think of that?!!

Blonde Mothers have great wisdom!!


Burn the Bad Ones!!

My Mother and I were talking in the kitchen the other day about my weekend happenings with the emphasis on my fashion choices.

I have designer clothes from New York, Milan and Paris, etc...and of course most of it is sexy and daring especially my thigh high boots that I love. I wish I could afford those Chanel thigh highs but at $1750, alas my bank account has fallen short these days...


My style floats in all the fore mentioned cities, like a sailboat does on crystal blue water but not in this town. We are a big town that likes to think we are a small city but were not--were a big town and like a town anything out of the norm scares the dickens out of the kin folk.

I am used to the stares, the whispers, the whatever makes them feel better about themselves conversations..it doesn't bother me. I like who I am and I really don't need the affirmations of strangers to fill me self-esteem gravy boat. I certainly wont lose sleep over the ones that really don't like me either--after all, its their issue not mine.

Even my Mom will get a dig in once in awhile. I am still not clear if she means it or if at her age she fails to see the use of fashion as a mark, or perhaps her European sense of adventure is diminishing in wake of a more americanized conservative tradition

WOW..that almost made me sound like a brunette.

Where was I?! Oh, yes...the nasty remark

"Well, Mother, I was wearing an Ungaro coat..I think they thought I was famous"

"Maybe they thought you were an expensive hooker"


"Mother, what happened?!"

"I burned myself"

"Hmm..must be Jesus getting you back for saying mean things to me! "

"Better watch out Mother, I surrendered, I have the original Godfather looking out for me!!"

I think I am getting this religion thing down. Its like having your own personal bodyguard--maybe that's why they call him the savior.?!

Who can we burn next?!!!

Blondes love having a bodyguard!!

The Grape Savior!

Allergy pills don't just dry out your nose
they dry out other parts that weren't meant to be dry

Good news....My eyes don't itch anymore!!
The bad news...something else does. Ladies, you know.

I'm on the phone with my friend and while he tells me his disgusting tales of his boogie clots in his nose, I further the ante on the grossness level by talking about yeast infections.
We are thoroughly disgusted with each other but laughing hysterically and both being artists our creative juices (pardon the pun) begin to flow.

I said it would be a challenge to write a story that makes a yeast infection sexy and my friend who was sucking on a Popsicle said yes it would.

"God a Popsicle would feel so good on it right now."

"I wonder what flavor would work best"

my friend " I think cherry"

"No, grape, definitely grape."

Seriously, how would cherry be better than grape?

Grape it is...





Freezer Burn!!!!
Freezer Burn!!!!!!

Blondes should never talk to a guy about popsicles!!


Holy Jesus!!

I let a guy read the bible to me!!

I didn't touch the bible for fear it would set aflame!!

We also held hands and said a prayer,

My thoughts at the moment of my surrender or would it more appropriate to say ambush?

"Take my hands"


"Now pray with, me"

"Can I have a glass of wine first?"

"His is the size of a moose"

"I wonder if this prayer really works"

" I guess I should stop thinking about his penis"

"Can I get in trouble for praying and thinking about sex at the same time?!"

"How is Christ going to save me while I'm thinking about the moose?!"


"Uhmmm..Amen...I surrender to the almighty Moose!!!

Consequently after my prayer...that evening.... I used a certain lotion that burned a certain somethin, somethin...AGAIN!!!!

God has a way of burning the non-believer.

Blondes have VIP status at all the hot nightclubs in hell!!