
God Dammit! Every show is a new opportunity to lecture!

Of course we get it and those that don't, wont.

Need I say more, Netflix idiots?!

Taking care of a dog

 Jesus Christ!

Why would anyone want this?

It is like having a child who can't eventually shit on its own.

It needs you, depends on you, would die without you ( not true by the way - unless you lock it up in its crate and can't get out if you pass out from a fire)

This incessant need for connection from anything is not healthy.

In the end, who do you think will survive if Armageddon happens? 

I am fairly certain this Blonde will, but will you?


Trump Click Bait. Did you see this?

Really, you clicked on a title that literally said click bait. Did you think it would be what you want? 

So sick of it all. Who fucking cares about him any more? Jesus would tell him to fuck off and drop him from a roof if you believe that second bible that came out about him being a kid.

It is all pretty ridiculous, don't you think? Or maybe you don't and just like to believe in demons fairy tales, and the biggest fictional book of all times!

All Black People Look Alike

Obviously they do not. So why put white people in the same bucket?

Caucasian? What the fuck is that? 

Help Me, Help You Help Me

Help You Help Me

Become a patreon and let ME live the life YOU want.

Absolutely shocked that people turn a blind-eye to a homeless person on the street, but two young kids with a cam and a laptop can convince others they need your money to let them live the life they want. 

What is the difference?

Why them and nopt others?

Guess giving a crackhead money to let them live out his life doesn't come with a YouTube video so no entertainment.

But what if the crackhead did come with editing capabilities and would record their life?

What if we put gopros on homeless and watched them live their life?

Would you be interested? Would you become a PATREON?

And after you gave them money for awhile but got bored with the months of the mundane, how would that homeless person be able to dance back into your good graces and keep that money flowing?

When I stopped Believing in God

 It won't take long for me to write this. 

I remember that day, the last thing I asked God.

I didn't ask him for anything. I was too young to even know I could.

I was in my room, scared to death that someone was going to walk in again. Beat me up for some stupid thing that had nothing to do with me.

I was just an outlet of my parents to let the stress out. "the shit gotta go somewhere"

Laying in my room, under that ugly, yellow-flowered bedspread, tucked in between as many stuffed animals as I could pack around me...

I asked God, "What did I do so wrong, that you hate me so much, to give me these parents?"

He never answered. I was 9.

James Bond Dead! No Candy for You!

I think only the older generation will understand the significance of James Bond's death. 

Of course he was only a fictional character so to play the "WOKE" card on this is saying what? The older generation is obsolete? 007 is just a number, and nigger is just a word?

So why does it bother me James Bond is dead?

Why does it bother black people that "nigger" out of any other lips other than a black person is so disturbing?

What brings power to these things that can make a person so upset? 

I use this blatantly vast contrast to make a point. 

Obviously it is not the same, but why? 

What button does it push?


Stuck In Middle America

 I am in a NOrman ROckwell at first glance. 

But this superb stack home community sheds light on themselves little by bit at a time.

It is easy to see how afraid people are to be alone and easily succumb to complacency in a neighborhood like this.

I already feel smothered by the gross need for everyone to have someone so they can feel validated.

Are we really manipulating the weather?

 Fuck me and all of us. Countries that create their own clouds and disturb Mother Nature as a way to hide the destruction of pollution they cause. China and India are right up there in the Gold and Silver medal position.

These 2 countries and their leaders and their greed will kill all of us.

China and India!!

Can't dominate the world if there is not one!

Don't wear hot pink leather pants to a Global Entry Interview

 And don't be a white, female, blonde that can't cover the stamp, which says the world will keep fucking with you when they could have just let the door open. 

And definitely, don't be white and blonde and wear hot pink leather pants to AN INTERVIEW where the Hispanic machismo already knows he is going to fuck with you. 

The one thing about Tex-Mex machismo is...  you don't have it if you can't look the girl in the eye right before you fuck her!

He wanted me to relive the most horrific moments of my life all over again. I could not do that. 

I had a couple scars on my app, so wondering why they allowed the interview and did not deny the first round of my application to Global Entry? Did Texas need the $100 app fee that bad?

I was an idiot anyway.

Global Entry is not Global..it is just for the U.S. 


Uvalde. shockingly not surprising anymore

 OK media, calm down before you rant on stupid things!

It has only been a day - speak only of the love and lives and in a week or so go on your stupid rant about guns not understanding the true nature of these crimes and how to stop them.

A child was brutally teased through school, comes home every day after those blows to a hostile environment with a drug addict and no where to seek help. So his anger grew and grew, and grew. And he went back to this childhood, waiting for this moment until he was 18 to buy the assault rifles, and he chose elementary school because that is where he was hurt the worst.

Here is the thing, if he could not get the rifles, he would have found another way to inflict the pain he was feeling on the community who abandoned him.
Not about guns! Not about politics! This is about a child finally breaking. And turning into a teen growing up and people caring less and less.
Every school shooting has one theme and that theme is extreme bullying with out a support system at home or at school!

Until you address the real elephant in the room, nothing will be fixed.


You had a sweet kid with friends slowly disintegrate in front of people and NO ONE reached out...

 and now he is the monster.

He wanted people to feel his years of vented up pain and be heard.

Well, 19 children later... he finally was heard.

This could have been stopped 10 years ago if anyone decided to give a shit.

All my love and prayers to the families! But please let's get real.


Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard Trial

 Anyone else getting too emotionally involved and pushing out some PTSD behaviors just watching the Depp vs Heard trial?

I am sorry, I tried to stay neutral for as long as I could, but coming from the world she so desperately is trying to describe lacks the color and clarity of memories.

I remember in vivid color and clarity everything that someone did to me. Hell I have a digital catalog with time stamps.

She has a written diary? Have they date tested the ink? Yes, that is how cynical I am of her testimony.

The other weekend, I was in a grocery store and I thought I saw the man who stole my house, and I froze. I literally freaked out thinking it was him and what would I have done if it was actually him and recognize me and worse come over to talk to me.

Luckily, it was not him.... but reminds me - this never goes away. EVER!

I am sure people act in different ways, maintain their composure during testimony - by the way what is in that pink liquid? - but we don't get snagged on tape saying yes I hit you and get over it, and in court say I never assaulted anyone.

Some of us do take the hurt and never say anything except on an underground blog no one reads. I don't think this is Amber's case. 

Johnny is the one can't look at her, but she can look at everyone. You fooled people once, but you can't fool them twice, not with 10 years on your face. You do not look so innocent any more. Not that you did in your first deposition. How is that eye-rolling and snickering working for you now?

Enough of her. I would send you the link to have her cancelled from Aquaman 2, but I do not believe in cancelling anyone. Netflix learned that lesson as well as Bozoma Saint John who got her ass kicked to the curb for leading the charge to publish movies that lecture people. 

Don't be a false leader.

the Blonde