
Dead Kitten

Yesterday, coming home from work...I drove past a dead kitten. I was not the only one...many commuters did the same thing.

Yet, no one did anything...just went about their daily commute.

Again, today, on my way home I drove by the kitten.

I could not stand another commute home seeing it.

So I went back to spot where it lay on the side of road, using a shoebox from 'Rag and Bone', and I scooped it up into the box.

Tears ran down my face..

Its blood left a perfect imprint of its body on the asphalt after I pushed him into the box.

I took the shoe box and placed it in the median where the wildflowers bloom ever year.

Have we no mercy for anything but ourselves?

Facebook meta? NO!

 If you think I am going to buy clothes and property in a world that does not exist, go fuck yourself!

Jack Dorsey sat on a wall. Jack Dorsey had a great fall...

 and not all the king's horses and cancel culture thems, can't help bring twitter stock back up again!

Goodbye, Jack Dorsey! And I Pray the Rest of you Follow!

Big Tech oligarchy that looks down on Americans and our values, and use their vast fortunes and unchecked power to silence voices they disagree with, continue to cozy up to authoritarian regimes across the globe.

If you just delete your Twitter account, your Facebook, and other social media accounts , you take their power away.

Can you not just share pics on your phone to friends and family?

Do you need a false fan base?

P.S. We heard Jack Dorsey, we just don't give a shit! 


The Naz, for your Lord Buckley pleasure!

"What you say, Jack? How's everything, daddy? Yeah, say, he going to preach again today I guess he is going to preach again."

"Yeah, but the cat ain't no real preacher. The cat ain't no real -"

"He may not be no real preachin' cat to you but he - I dig what the man's putting down. Hey, hey, wait, wait a minute - here he come now. Look out there. Yeah."

Yeah - here I is again. There's me - and there's you. And I dig all you cats out there whippin' and wailin' and jumpin' up and down and suckin' up that fine juice and pattin' each other on the back and tellin' each other who the greatest cat in the world is:

Time has no Value

 Time is running out

Time to get ready

Time to fix it

Time to let go

Time to go

Time will tell

Time is on your side

Time is not on your side

Time ran out

Time to leave

Time to stop

Time heals everything

Time has only the value you give it

Time is the fourth dimension along the side of three spatial dimensions. The physical nature of time, which is an oxy-moron in itself since time is not physical, and the very reason we are so enamored with it.

Deep down, we know science and religion can only explain so much, and the rest is left to interpretation and truth.

What is the truth?

Well, Steven Hawkins was a genius because he picked theoretical physics, cosmology, and anything else that can not be proved much like  Einstein, Jung, Freud, etc....

Oh, and yes...who ever fucking wrote the bible. Those pricks were the best cons of all time. Money pours into church this day! 

All they need to say is everything you do that is not for God is a sin and you will be punished.

But if you pay 9.99 today in the basket and do some fake praying hand gestures, you are good to go!

Life is not short, nor long

To measure a life by the ticking hands of a clock would be a silly thing.

Every soul born

Every soul passed

Every moment lived

How are these measured by time?

A Penny Saved, is just a Penny!

Suze Orman can suck it!