
The UndeaD has no Empathy for Humans

We are not alive and we watch you humans have the life we lost.

Do you think we have any empathy for those that piss it away on gluttony, alcohol, drugs, or just hating life because you are too weak to change it?

A big fat nope would be the answer to that.

There is a heaven and hell, only its on this earth.

You create it and you live it. Whether you choose to live in hell or heaven is all up on you.

But when your dead, you don't get that choice any more.

I can kill without blinking an eye now.

Yes, I mean the Count. I killed him and for fun had sex with his wife before I killed her too. We played drip the jewels on my body as we orgasmed and...



She dead.

Thanks for the jewels!

I am nothing more than a succubus and I am feeding on the hatred humans regurgitate on a daily basis.

I was hoping to be Glenda the witch from OZ bu why help the greater good when there is none right now?

The fucker Count, who has millions on top of millions, rather fuck an unDeaD, royally, than just have sex with a dead chick.

I get it.

When you are bored with all the money in the world to spend, why spend it?

He wanted to earn it.

He wanted to manipulate and play games with it.

But he played with the unDeaD.

So IT killed him.

Your a DeaD Count and now I have control of your money left behind in the vault.

You see, I did my homework while I was stuck in Bruge taking nude pics of myself in the ancient mirrors they have to ccupy my time during the lay over while my coffin was confiscated.

I am not a vampire. I can see my reflection and seeing a 26 year old body show itself through a mirror of a decadent guided frame of the 18th century knowing I died much later in life brings me the only satisfaction I have now.


My favorite part about old European royalty...they never trust banks and always keep the majority of their stash in a safe that is left open for company to admire. 

I will be flying home tomorrow and back in the good ole U.S. of A.

Who needs a passport when you have all the money in the world to fly first class in your own wings?

I am headed to Chicago to see an old Doctor.

BlinDeaD does not need a passport now..she has carte blanche on her own C5!


Even the unDeaD NeeD Something

Do you have any idea what it is like to have story and not be able to tell anyone because they would not believe you?

Well, imagine having a story not only the good guy won't believe but the bad guy will use it any way he can.

And thus my story, in Bruge begins....

You know, its quite a fairy tale place if you ever visit for the right reasons. Tucked away in the middle of some great countries...

I wish I was alive and could come here with my son but it is not to be.

I am here in a desperate situation and I am at a loss on how to get out without having to kill again.

It seems all I do now is kill to get out.

Like I said...the undead make perfect assassins.

No remorse, no glory, no one to tell...

I have to go now but please be there for me when I return.

What the fuck does an undead need with therapists..we have you on the Internet and we need you.

BlonDeaD needs you!


Coffer Up Count

Sometimes a dead girl just has to get out of her coffin and cause some havoc in the hood.

How many weeks did I sit there and wait in my shipping vessel for the arranged pickup?!!

A really, really long time!

I never did get the transaction with the Count completed but he is about to get a sweet visitation from me and he better 'Coffer Up!!'

I think he will pay up considering I have his correspondance and video-unpublished.

I am planning my excursion now why I sit in a coffee house late at night. I am also reading the Prague version  of "The Post". Technically, I do not read Czech or Romanian so I am more or less enjoying the pictures of my funeral box in the paper.

It is a bit ironic that I would get discovered, again, this close to Transylvania.

Actually, Prague is 12 hours from the Dracula Castle of Romania which is a giant tourist trap but t is as close to Transylvania as someone can be unless they translate the words literally and find out Transylvania just means 'beyond the woods' and they sit somewhere in the woods just beyond.

Speaking of the beyond...this Blonde unDeaD is about to rent a motocross bike and head off in the direction of the Count's estate after this brief update to you.

So, about Prague!

One it is gorgeous and I highly recommend the trip. I personally flew in a Citation and was docked in Plzen Line airport for all these weeks. Finally, I just had to bust out. I did not realize how long I was in my comfy dead bed since the undead do not feel time. I had run out of juice on my electronics and so really just laid in stiff until I thought it was quiet enough to move around and get out.



A guard on night duty spotted me getting out of the casket -which by the way- they had in an ice cold meat locker of a room.

I could see frost on some of the boxes they had stacked me in with. How utterly rude to treat the dead this way. I am not a side of cattle nor smuggled sausage.


I could not very well take a car and driver so I stole a motor car and dumped it just before the small town I am in. I would tell you but it seems I am on the run and need to keep a low profile of exact places for the moment.

I do not know where the Count is but I need to find him because, not only does he owe  money for the cancelled transaction but he better figure out how to get back my pimped out mobile sarcophagus!

BlonDead needs her ride back!


I May Be Dead but I Am nOt BlinD

Here is a little eye contact secret from femme to femme.

Here is how the eyes go for femme checking out another femme.

If your cute we will make eye contact and summarize you in one glance.

If your super cute with a good bod, we will look you in the face, look down to your outfit, and if the outfit is worthy...we will travel our eyes to the most important part of the female wardrobe.

ThE shoes.

Now, if your shoes are dead on, we will bring our eyes right back up to your face and give you an overall OK with an expressionless look of approval.

If your shoes do not make the cut..our eyes just drift off in  another direction.

Its a silent language that men will never understand and for insecure girls..they will just think they are being dissed.

Sooo...wrong CHicKas!

If a girl disses you..she won't ever look back up.

It is a compliment if a girl take this much time to check you out which in human time is less then 3 seconds.

The BlinDeaD is not blindeD!!

Flying a Dead BOdy

While researching what must be done to carry my undead body to the European destination for my next job, I encountered the rude way they transport on commercial flights. I am glad I have a first class casket ad and a borrowed G5 for my travels.

Caskets are always put on passenger airplanes. Almost every airline I have dealt with requires the casket be to be with in an airtray. The airtray is always marked with the words HUMAN REMAINS, the persons name, flight number, origin, and destination. Most people are with in caskets, but on a few occasions I have received them in alternate containers. One of the most difficult countries to send a person to is Italy

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is one of the few airports which has a fully operational mortuary, capable of handling up to 40 bodies. On average the mortuary deals with approximately 2000 bodies per year, about 60 % of which are in repatriation or transit to foreign places of burial and 40% returning to the Netherlands.  

I can not use a global mortuary service to ship my remains because they will insist I be embalmed and well...we can't have that.

This is going to be a bit tricky getting to my jet ride when I can not drive myself.

I am sure there are ways, I just know it will be a giant expense out of pocket.

The Blondead is still researching the situation.