
Admit to Being a Surf

Our society has become a King and surf world. The problem is surfs refuse to let go of pride and admit that they are the low income people repubicans are hating.

If we admit we are broke and that the 1% holds all the money and refuses to share or be privy to a socialist society...the surf will loose and soom become a slave.

When we admit to being surfs

When we admit to being oppressed

whgen we let go of our pride

and realize the 1% has no intention of ever helping us

than we will rise

and we will fight

and we will no longer

be the slave

Eutopia is not achievable but its at least worth trying to fight for it

and we may never achieve it

but we will be closer to happiness

Money needs to stop winning over humanity

The Blonde will not stand for it!!!



I am without team. I broke up with the Redskins and now I am looking for a team.

I might end up with the Houston Texans because I think I have decided to move back to the 4th largest city ion the U.S.

Austin is fun but I need the big city...and Austin is a Big Town...

Besides...the men I like seem to pool in the general direction of Houston.

More later....right now...I am hoping Eli Manning kicks the Packers...

and I have a new beau I am playing with later...

Stay tuned!

The Blonde is keeping her record going!!!


A fucking Gahn istan

My son leaves next month. And he better come home just as I made him.

If anything happens to my child; I will not cry in a corner.

I will stand, I will train, I will fight, and I will bring down everyone responsible.

Do not fuck with the Blonde's kid!!!!



Men miss my hair. I should have bundled up the chopped locks and made a Blondie pocket buddy with it.

I was on eharmony for all of 2 months and I must say... answering the same five questions over and over again can crawl up a Buddha statues ass and bug the jolly stone icon into a frown.

I have already plucked the man of the year so the rest is just fun and folly for boredom. Don't hate me...most of the men on this site do the same thing. Its adult dominoes for the relationship impaired.

Eharmony peeps are like cats pawing at something for fun until its dead and no longer fun to play with.

The Blonde is not in tune with the harmony.


Kris Kringle again with a Murder Attempt

What has it been?
Five years and counting that my Mother tries to murder someone during the holidays.

This time, I was too wise for her attempts and foiled her plans to give my 'German' medicinal powder to help my with allergies.

But she is not one to give up so quickly.
If she can;t murder me, she will go after the unsuspecting victim.

My Father.

My Father is deadly allergic to nuts.

And what does Mother do?

Claim she did not have cinnamon available and so she grounded up cinnamon sticks in the same grinder that she grounded nuts in a few months prior.

She innocently baked the cookies and said, "Here dear. I made you cookies. The ones you love."

My Dad bit into one and his throat seized up.

I think my Mother is testing out her murder attempts on the family.

Not enough to kill us but enough to know she can get away with it in the event she really wants to off someone.

Who she is aiming for is any one's guess.

So during the holidays...watch the offerings from my Mother.

Happy and safe Holidays from the Blonde!!