
Special Valentine's Blog

I bought edible panties for my date tonight but I wore them to work expecting to have a nooner but they melted and now I am stuck to my seat

and by the way....where are my flowers?!!!

Don't give the Blonde sugar!!!


Valentine's Counter

I think Valentine's reminds me more of my age than my birthday.

In my early twenties I usually received 5 to 6 sets of roses from my beaus

In my late twenties it seems the number dwindled to about 3 or 4 sets

In my early thirties it became sporadic..sometimes two sets, sometimes none

and Now that I am mid somewhere of I am not telling you..

I get one set but somewhat consistent...

I think I am growing up and settling into the fact that one set of roses from the same guy for a long time is better than my ego being stroked by 6 sets of flowers that end up dying anyway and your left alone to drink margaritas out of the cheap vases that are left behind!!

Blondes know its not the flowers that count but who gives them to you!!!


God will Forgive Me

Don't laugh at the Pastor even if he is on drugs and comes into the wrong office.

You shouldn't have laughed in his face

I didn't mean to....It was divine intervention that made me do it

Your going straight to hell.

By way of leer jet my friend!!

That's not funny!

Yes it is.

No its not!

Its funny to me.

The Blonde only cares about herself!!!

My Father's Laundry List

2 cell phone

1 Digital camera (latest casualty)

1 expensive silk dress

3 very expensive sweaters

Be wary of leaving your clothes in the reach of Laundry Man.
You think you have a towel when you get out of the shower..NOPE...he took it because he couldn't find anything to put in the laundry.

God forbid you leave anything in your pockets because he doesn't check before throwing the laundry in the wash and then he will blame you for not taking things out of your pocket.

and God forbid you leave your delicates or hand washables in the wash machine..He will put it in the dryer without a second thought.

Umm..Dad..Where is my silk dress I was washing on delicate.

Its in the dryer, why?

Oh Dad, that was really expensive and now its ruined.

Get mad at me for trying to help you!!

No Dad...you did help me..I needed a sun frock to wear over my bikini..its perfect now!!

The Blonde needs her own laundry room!!!


What did I do?!!

I am thinking if I did something wrong..

Life for me wouldn't be so great!!

I think everything has a reason and if you look hard enough you will find it always has a good reason for happening.

To understand people and their hearts you have to stand still and listen to what ISN"T being said

I realize its not me...its unresolved issues

and I got in the way

but in a good way

OH Well!!

I am sad about the whole affair!!

and more importantly....

Its putting a rain cloud over my pretty new convertible!!

so stop being stupid and say your sorry!!

Blondes refuse to put the top up because of rain!!