We are not alive and we watch you humans have the life we lost.
Do you think we have any empathy for those that piss it away on gluttony, alcohol, drugs, or just hating life because you are too weak to change it?
A big fat nope would be the answer to that.
There is a heaven and hell, only its on this earth.
You create it and you live it. Whether you choose to live in hell or heaven is all up on you.
But when your dead, you don't get that choice any more.
I can kill without blinking an eye now.
Yes, I mean the Count. I killed him and for fun had sex with his wife before I killed her too. We played drip the jewels on my body as we orgasmed and...
She dead.
Thanks for the jewels!
I am nothing more than a succubus and I am feeding on the hatred humans regurgitate on a daily basis.
I was hoping to be Glenda the witch from OZ bu why help the greater good when there is none right now?
The fucker Count, who has millions on top of millions, rather fuck an unDeaD, royally, than just have sex with a dead chick.
I get it.
When you are bored with all the money in the world to spend, why spend it?
He wanted to earn it.
He wanted to manipulate and play games with it.
But he played with the unDeaD.
So IT killed him.
Your a DeaD Count and now I have control of your money left behind in the vault.
You see, I did my homework while I was stuck in Bruge taking nude pics of myself in the ancient mirrors they have to ccupy my time during the lay over while my coffin was confiscated.
I am not a vampire. I can see my reflection and seeing a 26 year old body show itself through a mirror of a decadent guided frame of the 18th century knowing I died much later in life brings me the only satisfaction I have now.
My favorite part about old European royalty...they never trust banks and always keep the majority of their stash in a safe that is left open for company to admire.
I will be flying home tomorrow and back in the good ole U.S. of A.
Who needs a passport when you have all the money in the world to fly first class in your own wings?
I am headed to Chicago to see an old Doctor.
BlinDeaD does not need a passport now..she has carte blanche on her own C5!