
I don't Do Cookies, Europe!!

When did the Blonde ever give you the impression that she bakes fucking cookies?

Anyone who follows me is safe. I don't do cookies!

I don't track you. I don't follow you. I don't sell you.

I just post my shit.

You can hate me, love me, or want to kill me....

I don't care!!!

My blog started a long fucking time ago. And I can say with confidence, no one ever fucked with you on my watch.

But, if they did....let me know!

I will go dark on their ass and destroy them for you!!

I am particularly fond of killing uneducated, poor, Muslim men that came into Europe and hurt my blondes and brondes!

Give me coordinates:

The Blonde really dislikes men that hold no concept of equality!!


There was a time

...that I wished you well.

I still wish you happiness, just stay far the fuck away from me or that will change.


Guess the video did not stand the test time...what the fuck was this about? Can't remember but I am pretty sure it was about some fucker inappropriately touching me when I was little.

Replacing it with something better!

the Blonde!

No one hurts me ANY MORE!!!

I believe in the NRA.

I do not believe in assault rifles, but I do believe in owning a small caliber weapon to fit my evening purse.

Anf anyone against women wanting to hold something that gives them power and security; is an ugly duck whose mind,  is fucked enough to believe, that rape, is about beauty!!

The Blonde!!



Found you going to my gas station.

Ae you really that stupid?!

Next time I see you, in my part of town; I will start sending pics of our relations to your wife and kids.

And I will start taking down all your friends, as well.

Don't make me the asshole.

Do not come near me. Stay away from me or I promise you, that your friends and family, will see what you never wanted them to see.

The monster that you are!!

Be an arrogant creep, that thinks he can scare me and hurt me and hunt me down-- over and over again just by coming around my world?

Think again!! I am stronger than you know. You built me this way!!

The Blonde!!!


You still bother me!!

I hate you...you killed me!

Vladimir, you are a super cunt of a man. I am glad to see your wife likes pussy!

This blonde doesn't like anything below the belt these days!



Am I at Coachella?


Want to know why?

Because SXSW is being a total dick to me.

I will fill you in after the Coachella interlude!


Blonde on Blonde by Bob Dylan

Are you fucking kidding me?

This tour was named after me...

I would have preferred 'Blinded by Blonde'  but who is bitchin?

Not this Blonde!!


Hackers Just Want You To Play


Oh fuck, why should I rewrite something that is already written!

Take it away Blair!!!

Since its debut last year, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has been one of our favorite multiplayer battle royale games. But someone may be taking their love for the game a little bit too far with a malware program which encrypts your files. Instead of ransoming your personal info for exorbitant amounts of money, the program asks players to play Battlegrounds.
Via Kotaku and Bleeping Computer, the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds ransomware was discovered by Malware Hunter Team, and it is real. While the PUBG Ransomeware actually works, it’s being treated as a joke since the programmer included a note that said “Your files is [encrypted] by PUBG Ransomeware! But don’t worry! It is not that hard to unlock it. I don’t want money! Just play PUBG 1Hours.” It doesn’t even take an hour of gameplay to unlock the files. According to the reports, three minutes of gameplay will do the the trick. Also, the programmer included an unlock code, which means there’s really nothing to ransom.
This is perhaps one of the most benign ransomware programs in recent memory, and it’s the only one that makes us smile. It is a little disturbing to see how easily a ransomware program can spread and take control of sensitive files. But the idea of being “forced” to play PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is the perfect cover for getting out of work.
Can you imagine what will happen if this ransomware catches on? Whole offices could be shut down until we get in a few rounds of Overwatch or Fortnite. Actually, we kind of like that idea.
What do you think about the PUBG Ransomeware? Play a few rounds in our comment section below!