
The Weekend

...was super fun filled for partiers and boaters and everyone willing to spend the $4 gallon gas to head out to beaches and lakes.

I on the other hand did nothing but hibernate in my room worried about this next round of monthly bills and watch movies avec une boutielle de vino.

I have not been very social lately. I am happy just being alone in my little femme cave.

I have been hit on by men in their late twenties - one at the bank and one at the gas station- and while its a nice feeling to know I still have the looks, it would be nice to get a couple of business cards from men my own age. Looking young and not being young has two drawbacks..online dating where men tend to look for younger women and in public where men think I am much younger than I am.

I am not looking to be with anyone. I am not financially set up to be with anyone right now. I have bills and a future at law school to keep me man free.

I am just too baroque to be social and that is ok because I know I am not the only person struggling these days. Its nice to have company with my monet miserable'.

One day the money will be back and so will the men. Its not like they disappeared during the rapture!!

Chin up to everyone having a tough time with the green.

Look at it like this..

Being at the bottom means only a small bump if you fall!

The Blonde has no time or money for play!!


Memorial Day Weekend

There will be pools, boating, and hiking along Bull Creek and Barton Creek for me!!

Everyone be safe this weekend and remember

Don't Drink and Drive. You might hit a bump and spill your drink, try to wipe it off your lap and then get pulled over for looking like a drunk sailor playing with your private parts while driving!!


Bad Professor, Bad, bad, bad...

So one of my professors got arrested in a sting operation for soliciting 14 year old girls off of social network sites and assaulting them in a park.

I knew the teacher was an odd ball, didn't seem to like bathing very much or wearing clean clothes but I just assumed he was homeless-if you knew what Texas teachers got paid-you would not think twice about some of them being homeless.

I never considered him to be a pedophile although i did notice he liked the petite form in the girls at the front of his class. i guess they =knew something I didn't.

Under these circumstances I feel i should get an A in the class because how do I know he didn't barter (spell check looks for Brett when barter is spelled wrong-what a co-inky-dink; that's the name of the prof) relations with the younger chicks and give them better grades wh8ich would mess up the curve...

Not that I am devastated but I am not above pulling a Dean's conference to get an A out of this news.

I actually pulled a 89 in the class but one little point to settle my mental anguish over the news would help me over come the trauma.

My mind is already turning attorney before I even have the degree. i am always thinking about myself and how I can do better in competition with myself.

If I keep this up- I will end up in a bidding war selling my soul to the red guy with little horns and a tail just like in Devil's advocate..of course I am not a relative so the perks might not extend to me like they did to Keanu.

I hope they throw the book at Professor Pedophile!!

The Blonde can't wait to beat bad in court one day!


Thank You for Nothing

Sometimes when we have someything to say and no one to listen, we have a song that sings every thing about the nothing we feel!

Rolling In The Deep

Dont read into it, just enjoy...

The Blonde will bring it to surface later!!