
Ahh Adsense, fuck your content policy!

Content restrictions Sexual content Is content that:

contains nudity.

is sexually gratifying, sexually suggestive and/or intended to cause sexual arousal. Examples: Close-ups of breasts, buttocks, or crotches, sheer or see-through clothing, sexual body parts that are blurred, or censored images of men or women posing and/or undressing in a seductive manner

discusses sexual fetishes.

Examples: Voyeurism, role-playing, bondage, dominance and submission, sadomasochism

is about sexual entertainment.

Examples: Pornographic movie festivals, adult webcam services, strip clubs

promotes sexual merchandise.

Examples: Sex toys, personal lubricants, genital enhancement tools

facilitates affairs and/or sexual encounters.

Examples: Affair, swinger, hook up or fling dating

OK, blah the fucking blah, you sad fucking perverts looking for porn in the name of saving the internet! I don't use adsense. Go back to watching youporn and swiping right on bumble and tinder for catfishes that will never give you the time of day!

provides advice regarding sexual performance. Examples: Sex tips promotes sexual enhancement medications or supplements. Examples: Erectile dysfunction pills, libido boosting supplements Learn more about sexual content Shocking content Is content that: contains gruesome, graphic, or disgusting accounts or imagery. Examples: Blood, guts, gore, sexual fluids, human or animal waste, crime scene or accident photos depicts acts of violence. Examples: Accounts or images of shootings, explosions, or bombings; execution videos contains a significant amount of or prominently features obscene or profane language. Examples: Swear or curse words, variations and misspellings of profane language

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