
Sludge Day

I am down and rock bottomed out on my thoughts.

After dealing with Capital One and a merchant dispute in which they might find in favor of the deceptive advertising dicks..

After driving by Sandra Bullock and seeing a glimpse of what a wonderful life can be filled with...

After knowing I am late on bills and have to pawn yet another piece of jewelry...

After listening to callers on the radio asking for help becuase they are about to lose everything...

I got hit hard emotionally yesterday...

and pissing off with a bottle of wine seems like the only good way to end a day...


I have to keep moving ahead

This will pass

I am not pissing 2 years of school away...

Who knows if my life is going to get better...

It might just end up that it will suck forever in which case taking my beater car and driving it into the ocean and letting the tides pull me out to sea might be a great option...

One day...

but for now...

The Blonde is treading!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/09/2022

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