
Hello Mortal Kit Kats

I have been dormant a long time but it is time to come back out of my coffin and hit the world again with a veracious appetite for mortal evil.

I did spend time underground trying to subdue my appetite for babies souls. I went to Tibet for awhile and found I am selective in the souls of babies that I feed off of. Tibet children will always be safe from my hunger. Which means I can control this part of me.

Most flavorful souls come from bad parents who will raise bad children and I find most, surprisingly enough, not all in the westernized states. I find my best souls in the hospitals located in.....

Well, let me not give you a google map of my feasts, for that would alert authorities and I must keep a low profile.

I do still love the taste of corrupt polizia...and feel it does good to take a few out unnoticed.


I am headed to Paris and Milan. I need to shop for new clothes and I see the eighties are back. Why?

I will be back in the states in the blink of a dead eye and have lots to talk about.

Did I mention I became a Countess of several countries before retreating into my coffin cubbie?

Blondead is Back!!!