
Where have the years gone?

I started my day studying for french class and out of the blue it turned into an education in genealogy.

I am not one to fall prey to paying for services that I can use for free, legally.

So when my Mother badgered me on information regarding her relatives, whether imagined or not, I made the mistake of putting my help stick in the pond only to be engulfed by the flood of conjecture, theory, and ultimately finding myself in a wild goose chase.

I knew better.

I swore the day my Mother called 911 to report that terrorists were trying to blow up access to her neighborhood based on her finding a broken glass coke bottle attached to re-barb in the run-off tunnels that I would no longer fall victim to her conspiratory agenda.

I was wrong.

Like a serial killer, that neighbors swear by their charm, my Mother snaked me into another one of her never ending history challenging agendas.

All because of an old shoebox of photos that I had mistakenly opened in her midst.

From there it was just a matter of time before she wore me thin and dangly like a Guantanamo Bay detainee.

I was stuck googling for hours just to spare my Mother the fee of genealogy sites that offer nothing more than a conglomeration of free stuff on the web and inaccurate at best.

The problem I have with Ancestry. com and other Internet sites like them, is the idea that they are selling free stuff.

Its re-gifting at its worst.

Its Internet Salvation Army goods sold at a premium cost.

All the records Ancestry.com sells to you for 12.99 a month, is free and more reliable using Google search.

Google 'Ellis Island' and find that you can get the records for free, directly.

The Mormons say they have the records salvaged from Germany before WWII but they don't offer it on the Internet. You have to microfiche for it some other way. And when you do go fiching in Mormon archives, you will find yourself in shallow water.

Take the time to Google or Bing for free.

Paying for services like Ancestry.com is like getting advice on what book is worth reading from Oprah!!

The Blonde is taking time to kill the cost of free enterprises!!

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