
My Nothing to Do about Anything List

I want the adult taken out of adult alternative. It sounds like easy listening

I want the senior label USTA gives tennis players over 35 to be bumped up to 55

I break the ends off pretzels and only eat the salty middle

I am so in the red, I have to use Bush's color code system just to get back to black

I read the carb labels on everything.

I don't like to keep underwear past 3 months

I like thin towels for easier twisting

I fail at everything

I try everything

I am super green over Cody Diablos fame and wish fate would step it up for me

My favorite pair of shoes are my DKNY rubber boots I bought for music fests

I am not a fan of flowers as a gift, I prefer a bottle of perfume or trinket

I want and need the beach and its ocean every year for soul inspiration

I try to fall asleep with a smile every night because its the best face lift

I cry a little right before I have to mow the yard...I hate it that much

I am beginning to think life is predestined

The Blonde has a wish list too!!

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