
My Lips are Losing Weight

I recently had a little bit of fat injected into my lips to give me a sexy Bridget Bardot pout. I din't opt for the fake stuff because I didn't want to look like Daffy duck.

I have just noticed my lips aren't as pouty as before I went to NYC.

I ask myself...

Self, why are my lips getting thinner?

Are they losing weight?

I know I lost a few extra pounds running around New York on the one bag of fries I could afford, but this is ridiculous.

Lips should not lose weight.

Butts and thighs yes, lips no.

Can transplanted fat be lost?

Its so not fair!!

I already lost a boyfriend, you think I would get to keep my lips.

I am going to have to feed my lips tonight.

I need something meaty and juicy!!


I need a dinner date.

Blondes hate to eat alone!!

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